How to find logged messages in 5-series server workflow?
Server workflows in Workflow 5 have a Log activity, but it doesn't show up in the browser console like with client workflows. Can anyone tell me where these go? I have a server workflow that I know for a fact is working because it's getting the ArcGIS Server tokens like it should, and the Log activity isn't causing it to fail, but I can't see where the Log messages are going.
Any help is much appreciated!
Hi Emily Renkema,
Server Workflows write their logs to a folder on the server itself. The default location for the data folder is "C:\ProgramData\Geocortex\Workflow\". There is then a numeric folder created each day and another folder within that in the form of a series of letters and numbers. There is then a Logs folder within there that contains a JSON file.
C:\ProgramData\Geocortex\Workflow\4\fe10973d24e44a619b39de0efc19c71f\Logs\05df588d6019435c8e70329c9e75d037.jsonThe json file contains a "traces" section which is an array of all the log entries.
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