Use "extended user rights module" to not allow users to add layers in mws -5260
PlannedPost Title: Use "extended user rights module" to not allow users to add layers in mws
Feature Request Summary: ConnectMaster should have the possibility to not allow users to add layers in mws.
Functional Area / Module: Geo Mapping / extended user rights module
Description/Use Cases:
All users can add layers in a workspace that have already been created in the database. We would like it to be possible to block this function.
Business impact of limitation or missing of the feature:
This function helps prevent objects from being created on the wrong layers. Blocked unauthorized users from adding layers.
Other necessary information or resources:
If necessary, we can send a video illustrating the request.
Best Regards
Camila Mello
Layer management is being considered as part of the security Feature update for 7.3.
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