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Add the ability to clear all reports related to a portal item



  • Gareth Evans

    This seems like a particularly dangerous workaround, typically deletion involves multiple steps of user interaction to approve it.

    Is there a support ticket already around the issue that you encountered? 

  • Keith A Goentzel

    We did not file a support ticket since we are on a tight timeline.  We encountered the issue in one of our lower environments migrating data so while the risk or breaking the product was present it also wouldn't have affected a prod environment.

    Thinking on a little more if the REST call could return the error message which is helpful for trouble shooting as well as the id of the item that would be helpful in additional troubleshooting.  Also, that should provide the opportunity to call the delete with the ESRI itemid as well as the id of the of the template.  

    Without that id we were unable to remove the items from the report server using the developer REST service.  We also tried removing the item using the Reporting UI while it was say the item is removed and remove the ESRI item id off of portal.  It would not remove the Report Item from Reporting Service Server.  

    If you would like email me and I can send the offending template files from the server for your team to look at and work with.

  • Gareth Evans

    Hi Keith A Goentzel thanks for the detail and context. The typical pattern for this sort of product issue would be to first work with our VertiGIS Studio Support team to assess and triage. I would suggest submitting a ticket through them for assistance and we can go from there.


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