Now Available: VertiGIS Studio Search 1.9
We're pleased to announce the release of version 1.9.0 of VertiGIS Studio Search.
New Features
- The graphical user interface of the Search Designer is now available in Norwegian. [309537]
- [VSW Designer] Added support for configuring which specific VSS instance to use in a VSW app. [243376]
[Engine] Added support for environments with a forward proxy. Sample proxy settings are available in the config file:
"VertiGIS Studio Search\search\Engine\bin\search-modules\.env"
. [299371]
Behavioral Changes and UX Improvements
- [Designer] Validation added for the display field property of Esri resources when configuring a short description pattern. Invalid values are skipped to ensure proper configuration. [302105]
[Engine Admin UI] The list of indexed resources is now sorted by the "Last Updated" column to improve usability. [309690]
Security and Technology
- [Security] Upgraded to Quarkus 3.16. [306760]
- [Security] Updated to the latest VertiGIS and third-party packages. [304390]
[Security] Fixed vulnerabilities identified by Trivy and yarn audits, including CVE-2024-47535 in Netty. [307849]
[Engine] Logging verbosity has been reduced in several modules of the Search engine. [304323, 304578, 304579]
Bug Fixes
- [Designer] Added "" to the 'allowed origins' list to prevent CORS issues when indexing ArcGIS Online resources. [308204]
- [VSW/VSS] Added the hosts of the VertiGIS SaaS environment to the 'allowed origins' list. This prevents CORS issues when accessing an on-premises VSS from a SaaS VSW via workflows. [247790]
- [Designer] Fixed an issue where the dashboard did not display any apps after a search app was disabled. [301576]
- [Engine] Resolved an issue where indexing a resource would neither complete nor abort when the configured 'unique ID field' contains non-unique values. [306206]
[Engine] Fixed an issue where a disabled resource continued to be reindexed according to its schedule. [309552]
VertiGIS Studio Search is available as a SaaS offering:
On-premises installer:
Questions? Check our FAQ page:
VertiGIS Studio Search FAQ
And join the conversation in the
VertiGIS Studio Search Community Forum
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