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  • Alexander Bureaux

    VertiGIS Support found the issue. This is now a bug (#303312). Basically, the tool expects all buffers to be drawn clockwise.

    If you only draw the buffer clockwise, you won't encounter this issue. But a better solution would be the following (provided by VertiGIS support):

    1. After your buffer activity, add an If to check if the rings property of the geometry has a length greater than 1 (signifying a shape that has a hole), using the condition: =$buffer2.geometry.rings.length > 1
    2. Connect the "false" side back to the rest of the workflow
    3. On the "true" side, add an Evaluate Expression activity that reverses the vertex order using the expression: =$geometryContainer.result.rings[0].reverse()
    4. Connect "Evaluate Expression" to the buffer activity so that it re-runs with the updated geometry
  • Alexander Bureaux

    Trying to add picture again…



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