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Send email activity if one email is null



  • Berend Veldkamp

    I think this question would be better posted in this section:


    That said, do you have a (small) sample workflow which replicates your problem?

  • Shelley Schulte

    I do apologize for that, I thought I had posted it in that section!

    The WF is being triggered from a S123 webhook.  Here is a screenshot of the WF.  I've also included a screenshot of the json when the 3rd email is null.



  • Zack Robison

    Sounds like you are hitting a null reference issue, which ought to have borne out in the dev console (if you haven't I highly recommend learning to debug workflow with the browser console, there's a good primer in the documentation).

    I like to use ternary expressions to handle this, but for you I'd start with just doing a Falsy check (or 3) in an IF activity before each relevant section of code. 

    I.E.: IF there is a contractor 1, do their stuff & send them an email then move on, else do nothing and move onto the next activity. IF contractor 2… et. cetera.


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