Show results from multiple queries in VS Web
Hoping someone can help point me in the right direction here please….
I have a workflow that runs in VS Web which iterates through all the feature layers in the layer list and performs a query using a geometry extent drawn by the user. The results of each layer needs to be displayed in the results list in a “grouped/compact” mode with the layer name used for each set of results.
Posts in the support site suggest that I need to use a combination of “results.from-graphics” operation, “results.display” command and “results.add” command to do this but I can't get this to work within a “For Each” loop (where it loops through the layers in the layer list). When it runs the results.display, the workflow stops adding no further results. If I unhook the results.display and results.add, the workflow goes down the TRUE side for the first featureset, then continues down the FALSE side with the other featuresets without showing any results.
getResults1: results.from-graphics = ={graphics: $queryALLLayerDrawnBoundary.features, title: $allLayers_Title.result}
Display results: results.display = =$getResults1.result
getResults2: results.from-graphics = ={graphics: $queryALLLayerDrawnBoundary.features, title: $allLayers_Title.result}
resultsCollection_ALL: results.add = =$getResults2.result
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to solve this please?
This sounds like a good use case for the builtin Identify tool, have you considered using that instead? Doing this all in workflow sounds a bit like reinventing the wheel to me based on what I see here.
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