Oracle connection doesn's show tables in Reporting module
I created a new Data Source in the reporting module to our Oracle database containing Parcel data, when i test this all works fine (it can connect.
Next step I want to add the data source to my report. When i click the Add Data Source.. button it shows the Oracle connection i made. When i select it I would have to select the table under Step 2 (choose predefined queries or create custom queries). But no tables show up, neither could i find any place to make a Query (Like Select [number of fields] from [table name]). I've been digging thruogh the documentation to find out how to continue, but unfortunately can't find anything. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Can you post a screenshot? The user used to connect has a SELECT privilege on the tables?
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Here are some screenshots. The user does have select rights. It's currently also used in our old Geoweb (5.6) environment without trouble
Connection test is succesfull:
But no tables to select:
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In the dialog where you specify the Data Source settings it should already show the tables, there you should see a list of tables, when selecting a data connection.
In the network traffic you should see a POST request like this. Is there an error?
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Yes i do see the Invoke Post requests and they do say succesfull (2 times actually, once with actionKey: getDBSchema and once with getDBStoredProcedures).
Here are the responses (they seem to be identical:
{ "error": null, "result": { "dbSchemaJSON": "{\"StoredProcedures\":[],\"Tables\":null,\"Views\":null}" }, "success": true }
{ "error": null, "result": { "dbSchemaJSON": "{\"StoredProcedures\":null,\"Tables\":[],\"Views\":[]}" }, "success": true }
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Nico Burgerhart We got it working by using the credentials for the owner of the table.
This seems to be the only way to get the application to connect right now. The other user has the rights to read/select the tables (it is currently being used in our Geoweb 5.6 application to connect to the same tables). So this looks like a bug in the reporting module i think.
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