Support the Get Portal User activity in server workflows
There are cases when I need the username in a server workflow, but this is currently not possible. One such case is querying a database with the username in SQL, e.g. where username='the_user'.
Workarounds are:
- Passing the username as an argument, which I think is unsafe, because a valid logged-in user could modify the request to the server workflow, and change the username to someone else's
- Passing the Portal token as an argument. This would be safer, but the server workflow would then need to make a webrequest to ArcGIŞ to get the username
I think the workflow service already has access to the user's context, so supporting Get Portal User would probably not be too hard.
There might be a way to do this, but it might need a bit of rearranging of some code.
As it stands, whenever the client requests a “run token” from the server, it sends a portal token with the request. We use that to look up some identity information. I'm just not sure on how we could decrypt and access that further downstream - during the execution of the workflow.
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