New API Methods for Automation of TransportContainer Creation and Update (7899)
Not plannedHi!
This is a Product Idea from a NETCON client:
Customer: Transtelco
NETCON Ticket:7899
Post Title:
New API Methods for Automation of TransportContainer Creation and Update
Feature Request Summary:
Modify the CreateTransport method and create the following methods: RemovePort, RemoveTransportRouting, and RemoveTransportUsages. Also, create methods for CreatePort and CreateVirtualSubPort.
Functional Area / Module:
API SOAP ConnectMaster
Description/Use Cases:
We are working on automating part of the creation and updating of transport containers in CM. During testing, we found a lack of some methods that are crucial for the proper functioning of this automation.
We require the following:
1.Modify the CreateTransport method to add a parameter to assign the Usage Type of the transport container, as it currently only allows assigning the following parameters:
public List<int> CreateTransport( string ticket, int locationIdA, int locationIdZ, int techniqueId, int transportTypeId, int transrateId, int topologyId, int operationTypeId, string name = "", int count = 1)
2.Create the RemovePort method, which would be the opposite of the AssignPort method.
3.Create methods like RemoveTransportRouting and RemoveTransportUsages, but allow choosing which transport container to remove since the mentioned methods remove all transport containers.
4.Create the CreatePort method (should allow naming the port).
5.Create the CreateVirtualSubPort method (should allow naming the virtual subport).
Business impact of limitation or missing of the feature:
This feature would enhance the productivity of our ConnectMaster users and accelerate our operational processes.
Other necessary information or resources:
If necessary, I will be happy to send you a sketch of the desired representation.
Thank you for the post. As this API is being reviewed and enhanced based on our current priorities we will include this in the list for evaluation.
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