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Display Multiple Features From Query Layer Activity



  • chris c

    Hi Kevin - I query the features and use the Add Items to add those queried features a feature set (create this before). Use the Set Feature Symbol for this feature set and use Add Graphics to then add this feature set to the map.

    Create Feature Set:



    Result: $qry1

    Add Items:

    Collection: $qry1.featureSet.features

    Features to Add: $qry1.features

    Set Map Symbol:

    Symbol: $your_symbol

    Feature: $qry1.featureSet.features

    Add Graphics:

    Feature: $qry1.featureSet.features

    Hope this helps.

  • Kevin Fowler

    Hi Chris,

    That was helpful. I was able to get everything setup the way you described but my results aren't exactly what I'm looking for. My Query Layer activity pulls the geometry from my Geometry Picker but its only giving me the first item from what I picked. I know that its because the Query Layer is using =$form1.state.geometryPicker1.value.geometry[0] which is just the first item in the array. I'm trying to get the geometry from multiple points to query. How would I go about this? Do I need to use For Each?

  • Andreas Broothaerts

    Hi, for this issue, is there a way to keep the original symbology of all the different features that are queried


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