Update VertiGIS Studio Analytics - update all agents required?
We've just upgraded our hub to the new 1.2 version of VertiGIS Studio Analytics. We are only wondering if it is necessary to (manual) update all the agents installations as well? What are the good habits concerning a upgrade of VSA?
Would be nice to include just a few sentences about it in the documentation!
Hi Bart
The process for updating is to update the Hub - which will then trigger an update for all the Agents automatically. There was a special note in the Release Notes that adds that for a Server 2022 machine, you will need to manually restart the Agent - that will be a one-time step.
I agree that the Docs don't call this out particularly well - I'll get a new topic added.
I've also got a story in our backlog to display the version of Agents in the Settings area within the application - to provide visual confirmation that they've been updated.
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I just updated my hub installation (by running the 1.2 installer.. I assume this is the process, since there are no notes about that) and after half an hours while I logged in to various servers with agents on them and noticed that they have NOT been updated to 1.2. They are all still running agent v 1.1, including the agent on the Hub server. All agents are properly reporting in to the hub and showing alive. Running Windows Server 2016
I think there needs to be some documentation on this process ASAP. I'll contact support to help Dx what is up with this, but there was no auto-updating of agents as mentioned.
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Hi Cam,
Just searched the 1.4 documentation, still no useful info regarding upgrading, especially regarding the Agents. I just upgraded my VSA HUB server from 1.2 to 1.4. In the VSA dashboard (settings → Agents) it shows my agents are But wehen i check the installed software on the agent servers it still states version 1.2.0 which leaves me confused, do I need to re-install/deploy agents to all servers as well or? Please clarify.
Program and Features on VSA Agent servers:
VSA Agent overview in VSA dashboard:
Program and Features on VSA HUB server:
Thanks in advance,
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Sander ten Arve , I didn't follow up here, but I should have.
I had explored this via tech support and what I learned was that the update process swaps out JavaScript libraries, but doesn't update the “windows installer" junk. It's therefore normal for the software version to not show changes in Control Panel, in other words.
You can see the updated agent libraries at C:\ProgramData\VertiGIS Studio Analytics\agent\image
Bottom line - if it shows them as updated from the hub screen, you are all good to go.
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Thanks Brandon! Found the updated JS libraries so all looks good indeed.
VertiGIS Studio Support , It would still be a good idea to put any upgrade information in the documentation!
Thank you
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