Print template not showing custom graphics
Hi Martijn, The graphics are embedded in the rpx file that the print tamplate uses. Take a look at your Site.xml file to find the rpx file that you are using. You can open the rpx file in Report Designer to add and remove graphics. -Colin 0 -
Hi Colin, Thanks for the reply, but or I'm not understanding your answer or I didn't made myself clear enough. What I'm trying to do is plotting my red-lining (that were the custom graphics I was talking about, and which is client side) onto the print template. This is a new feature in 2.2.1. With Fiddler I can see that my red-lining is going over the line to the server correctly. Looking at the rpx in the report designer I cannot find anything that indicates I have to enable custom graphics or something like that (can't find such a thing in the documentation either). Martijn 0 -
Hello Martijn, When you print, are you consuming services from a single server or from multiple separated servers / services? Is your Essentials site / client viewer available on the Internet for review? Thanks! -Malcolm 0 -
Single server as your silverlight sample does. I changed only the site url to our server. It is then already that I can still print, but without the custom graphics (red-lining). So I know the red-lining is going over the line correctly (this I can see with Fiddler also (statet in my first reply)). So it must be something on the server side. Unfortunatly our server is only accessible locally and I can't change that (company policy). Just out of the blue, but could it have something to do with the spatial reference? (we're using wkid 28992) and your sample site.xml is using 4326. Thanks for the reply, Martijn 0 -
Hi Martijn, Thank you for providing such a thorough analysis of this issue. From your description, the issue is that your markup graphics are included with the json being sent to the server (as seen in Fiddler), but no markup graphics are generated on the resulting printed map. Since the server its running against is 2.2.1 the server side support for the graphics should be automatic and should work regardless of the selected print template.
Any marker symbol, polygon or polyine should include a spatial reference in the json. This can be checked (with Fiddler) in order to be sure that the spatial references of the json and the server are both the same. These spatial references are retrieved from the geometries themselves drawn on the map so I would have expected that they should match correctly with your server's spatial reference.
The other thing to try is to access the rest endpoint for printing via the aspx page. On that page there is a place to enter graphics, and the graphics json from the API (scraped from Fiddler) could be manually entered here and should be drawn correctly. I would suggest taking something simple like a marker symbol and trying to cut/paste its json on the PrintTemplate aspx page's Print operation and see whether those graphics appear in the pdf. Also, I would suggest taking a peek at the server log to see if perhaps an exception occurred during the printing operation which caused it to short circuit before the graphics were actually drawn.
Hopefully this helps,
0 -
Hi there, It's been a while as I haven't had the time to further look at my issue, but today a miracle was at work. This is why: Haven't changed any client side code, just installed the new geocortex essentials REST elements (3.0.0.) and replaced the client API. Still not knowing what the problem was, but it is working now. Thanks, Martijn 0 -
We currently have a flex site that does not work with custom graphics and we were told this was a bug that would not be fixed until version 3.2 0
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