Unable to install Essentials 2.2.x
When attempting to install Essentials 2.2.2 (also tried 2.2.1) we get an "Invalid Virtual Directory Error: One of the virtual directories you have supplied is already in use. Either remove/rename the virtual directory or supply a new name that is not already in use." on the "Web Setup" screen. We get this error regardless of the virtual directory names we enter for the Web and Manager... we tried several variations and even tried changing the Destination Folder on the previous screen.
This is the first installation of ArcGIS Server and Essentials on this server (Win 2003) which was recently cleared of all ArcIMS/IMF generation software. ArcGIS Server 9.3.1 SP1 is installed and running. We checked IIS Manger and have just one web site configured (Default Web Site) with the following directories listed: arcgiscache, arcgisjobs, arcgisoutput, ArcGIS, and aspnet_client. Our next WAG is to look into the IIS metabase file to see if there is something lingering there, but that seems like we're reaching and overlooking something more obvious...
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
James Whitcomb
We tried using the just released 2.2.3 installer and made it through the main installer process, but hit another roadblock during the Post Install process. The post installer fails with an error about a password not meeting system requirements. At no point during the main install or post install were we prompted to provide a password??? The error is as follows: System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PasswordException: The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800708C5) ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800708C5): The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800708C5) Thanks,
James Whitcomb
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Hey James, Can you open up the "Local Security Policy" MMS snap-in, then check Security Settings -> Account Policies -> Password Policy, and tell us what the password restrictions are? If you don't want to post to the forum, email your Password Policy details to (support@latitudegeo.com) . We can then investigate further. Thanks! 0
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