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REST Manager throwing error when creating feature map



  • Permanently deleted user
    I may have found the problem. The map service has several layers in it. On this occasion, one of the layers was unavailable when the service was restarted. The rest endpoint still shows the rest of the layers, but the layer numbers are no longer sequential - the number associated with the layer that was unavailable is not listed.


    I assume, when Essentials REST Manageer tries to parse the response from the AGS service, it throws an error because the layers numbers don't match with the total number of layers (index out of range). However, instead of throwing an error saying it can't parse the response, it throws a connection error.


    It would be great if Essential Mgr would either 1) throw a more descriptive error, or 2) continue to validate the service even though the layer numbers are not sequential.





  • Permanently deleted user
    Thanks Peter, i ended up manually modify the site.xml and added the feature maps. It's a bug as I was told by Latitude support.


  • Ruth Aslanis

    Peter, or anyone who has succeeded with this:

    Can you send the xml code that creates or modifies the feature map code in the site.xml file? 

    We are looking to add  a feature map and cannot create that bit of code that sets it in the report.

    have these 2 parts:



                  <FeatureMap BufferDistance="50" BufferUnit="Feet" DisplayName="FacilityFeature" HighlightColor="#FF00FFFF" HighlightFeature="true" ID="Facility" Resolution="96" />




    <LayerTemplateReport DisplayName="Facility Report" ID="0" IncludeFeatureMaps="false" PerformDataLinking="false" TemplateUri="{SiteUri}/Viewers/Cityfacilities/VirtualDirectory/Resources/FacilReport.rpx">


    Thanks a million.







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