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Exposing ArcGIS Services in REST


1 comment

  • Drew Millen
    Hello,   The Charlotte and CharlotteWGS REST endpoints that you are referring to are the REST resources which represent the sample sites which are shipped with Geocortex Essentials.  These sites are examples of what you configure using a Site.xml file, and deploy to your Sites directory.  The Administrator Guide describes configuring your own site, with your own map services.  These sample sites point to ArcGIS Server map services on Latitude Geographics' servers, and some ArcGIS Online services.   While the Geocortex Essentials REST API hosts sites , ArcGIS Server has its own REST API which hosts map services .  The Geocortex Essential sites that you configure will point to one or more ArcGIS Server map services.   ESRI has published sample map services on public servers... one example is  Here, you can see a list of ArcGIS Server map services published on the server, "".    Section 4.4 of the Administrator Guide describes connecting to your own ArcGIS Server services using a similar url.  If you have installed ArcGIS Server on your network, you will likely have an ArcGIS Server REST API up and running, and it will be hosting your map services on a URL like http://<myserver>/ArcGIS/rest/services.   I hope this helps!



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