Feature Maps
Hello, Can anyone explain how to get feature maps to appear in reports? I have set up several reports and assume I have to change the following fields? Name: MainMap Datafield: _MainMap I have tried to change the data field to both the name of my layer or the name of the report ID in my site.xml. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks Wendy (Nottingham City)
Hi Wendy, You're really close! The Name is actually not so important. Make sure that the "DataField" value is the same as the "ID" for the FeatureMap (not the name of the FeatureMap). For a working example, take a look in the sample Charlotte sites that ship with Geocortex Essentials. You will notice that the Parcels layer has 2 feature maps with the IDs "ParcelFeatureMap", and "ParcelOverviewFeatureMap". In the "ParcelReport" example report for the Parcel layer, these two feature maps are used - the DataField references them by their ID. 0
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