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Instant Search geometry is out of alignment



  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Ken, what happens if you do a query  (rather than what's here/identify) on the viewer for that same feature? Is the geometry aligned in that case?   Alejandro
  • Permanently deleted user

    The resulting geometry from an attribute query is in perfect alignment.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Ken, is the map service public? What spatial reference are you using for that service?

  • Permanently deleted user

    No, the map service is not public, the SRID is 2926 Stateplane Washington North HARN US feet

  • Permanently deleted user

    We have seen this as well.

    But in our case the geometry result from the instant search is like 100 yards off of where it should be.

  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Chris, thanks for the info. What spatial reference are you using? Is there any datum transformation defined in your mxd? @Ken, is there any transformation defined in yours? Also, is it possible for any of you to create a map package from ArcMAP to share with us? (just with a few features)
  • Permanently deleted user

    I am running ArcMap 10.2, AGS Server 10.1, data source file gdb on AGS, GE and IIS running on same machine.  The MXD has datframe coordinate system property of SRID 2926, Washington State Plane North FIPS 4601 US Feet.  My parcel data has native coordinate system likewise of SRID 2926.  I have attached a .lpk file (renamed extention to .zip for uploading) ( /Data/Sites/1/userfiles/872/



  • Permanently deleted user

    Thanks Ken, I'm observing a similar behaviour, but the shift in my testing are about 2cm rather than several feet/yards. How far off are the geometries in your case? Is it always a couple of feet? Do you have any transformations configured in your mxd?

  • Permanently deleted user

    All of the feature classes in use are projected in State Plane Washington SRID 2926, there are no transformation or projections on the fly in any of the map services used on my site and the mxds have their dataframe coordinate systems set to SRID 2926.  I have since noticed this shifting of geometries between point features as well.  It is consistent, there is a vector shift of 4 feet to the northwest of where the 'actual' map service renders its' features.



  • Permanently deleted user
    Thanks for all the information Ken, it's really useful. I've filed a bug ticket for the Instant Search component regarding this shifting problem. At this point I can't provide a timeline for this issue, but I'll update the thread as soon as I have an update.   -Alejandro
  • Dan Giersz

    Was there ever an update with this issue?

    We are experiencing it as well.  Not with the Instant Search but with the Query tool.

  • Permanently deleted user

    I am experiencing it as well but what I am concerned with is that it the search is finding something in Albers and not reprojecting it to Web Mercator. 

  • Permanently deleted user

    We had the same problem with instant search results shifting the geometry.  I ended up reprojecting all our datasets to match the ESRI basemaps (Web mercator auxillary sphere).  That fixed the shifting issue.

  • Permanently deleted user
    I was able to resolve this issue by applying a geographic transformation in the data frame properties of the mxd (from NAD83 to WGS 1984 in my case). I republished the service and reloaded the site (not sure if that was necessary or not). Then I deleted the old instant search index through Manager and regenerated the instant search index. Now the geometries align perfectly.
  • Permanently deleted user
    I am having this problem, but all of my data are in the same projection, including base maps.
  • Permanently deleted user
    I tried Rebecca's suggestion to add a transformation to my MXD even though it only has one layer in our local CRS and all of our basemaps are in our same CRS as well. I did re-publish the service, and delete and re-index. The offset is gone and now seems to function properly. Thank you Rebecca!
  • Permanently deleted user
    I am having the same issue as well. Spent some time and adjusted the data frame properties to WGS, deleted the index and still did not get the geometry to highlight in the same location. A little bizarre since it was working before and did show up in the correct location...Why did this change?
  • Permanently deleted user
    I am having the same issue as well, but I don't use instant search, just the global search... Global Search highlights the parcel in an offset.  My native data is in WKID 2253 (State Plane Michigan South International Feet), but I am in the MXD applying the data frame to 3857 (Web Mercator Auxilary Sphere) with the transformation from GCS_North_American_1983 to GCS_WGS_1984 but it does not fix the selection feature offset. 
  • Permanently deleted user
    I have noticed that this issue still exists and we are on the latest versions and the coordinate system we are using is NAD27 State Plane since that is what the county uses. 

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