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Results to Bottom Pane in Table View Immediately upon Identify



  • Dan Giersz
    Modify the json.


    In the results module, under Identify, change "ShowResultsList" to "ShowResultsTable":


    "moduleName": "Results",


            "moduleType": "geocortex.essentialsHtmlViewer.mapping.infrastructure.results.ResultsModule",


            "configuration": {


              "resultMappings": {


                "Identify": [










  • Permanently deleted user
    Perfect!  Thanks Dan.  Results were going to bottom in table view within seconds after the fix in the json.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Does this still work?  I just upgraded to GE 4.5.1 and GVH 2.6.1 and I edited the Desktop.json.js and changed "ShowResultsList" to "ShowResultsTable" in the Results module as shown above.  It didn't make a difference.  I changed "ShowResultsList" to "ShowResultsTable" every time it occurred in that module, just to be sure (under Identify, Search, QueryBuilder, Workflow, and Selection) and it still makes no difference.  What am I missing?




  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Stephanie,


    It did work for me initially but I've since set it back to it's default setting (List) after learning that the majority of my users were using 19" screens.   I was setting the maps up on my wider 24" screen but having the results go to the bottom table for users with smaller screens was taking up most of their screen space.  They requested I put it back to the List View.  There's been an upgrade since I did this change so I can't be certain the change in the json would have gotten wiped out either way. 


    Had most of my users been using 24" screens there is no doubt I would have continued to have the results go to the Table View.  I might be asking the same question!


  • Dan Giersz
    We haven't upgraded yet so I don't know.  Check if there is a "ShowResultsTable" under the layer action module. That is a default action.


    Have you cleared your cache?
  • Permanently deleted user
    Thanks for the replies!  I just cleared my cache and it didn't help (it made me smile though, as I say that to my coworker so often he would laugh at me if he knew I hadn't tried that :)).


    I'm looking through the Desktop.json.js for a Layer Action module and I don't see it.  Would it be called  "moduleName": "LayerAction" ?  Or is it something else?  I found a few LayerActions under layer list but none of them have a ShowResultsList or Table by default.  I might have a look around and see if I can add something (although I'm out of my depth here).


    I agree that the table view takes up a lot of space on the screen.  The problem is we have a lot of data links, especially on the parcels layer.  When the results appear on the left you lose all the data link tabs, and any 1-M joins only show the first column (so it's pretty confusing and useless).  They look great in the table view, all the tabs appear and it's just what I would need!


    This is our public HTML5 viewer with the datalinks on the parcels layer:



  • Dan Giersz
    It's actually the results list action menu, search for "id": "ResultsListActions"


    This is the menu you use in the viewer to manually switch to table view.


    The first command should be "ShowResultsTable"


    Like I said, we haven't upgraded yet.  Can you set the default result style in Essentials Manager somewhere?
  • Permanently deleted user
    Thanks!  Although I'm still not having any luck.  I found "ResultsListActions" and it was already set to ShowResultsTable:


    "id": "ResultsListActions",


                                "description": "@language-menu-results-list-actions-desc",


                                "items": [




                                        "text": "@language-results-toggle-table-view",


                                        "description": "@language-results-toggle-table-view-desc",


                                        "iconUri": "Resources/Images/Icons/Toolbar/view-switch-table-24.png",


                                        "libraryId": "Mapping.Infrastructure",


                                        "hideOnDisable": true,


                                        "batch": [




                                                "command": "ShowResultsTable",


                                                "commandParameter": "{{context}}",


                                                "abortBatchOnFailure": true






                                                "command": "CloseDataFrame"








    In Essentials Manager for the HTML5 viewer under "Look and Feel" you only get the option to set the Results List content field (your choice of Feature Description or Feature Long Description):


    _img_ alt="Results list config options in HTML5 Viewer Look and Feel section" src=""_/_img_


    The Look and Feel section is the same place in Essentials Manager where you would make the default Results List/Table setting for the Silverlight Viewer.
  • Permanently deleted user
    @Latitude: Is it possible to set the default identify results to open in table view instead of list view in GVH 2.6.1?
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Stephanie,


    I just tested the answer supplied by Dan at the top of the thread, and it worked as it should in 2.6.1. The results show up in the table view instead of the default list view when using the identify tool.  


    It's possible that some other setting in the file has been changed at one point or another, and this is causing the expected behaviour to be overridden.  


    Here's what I would suggest for testing.  Can you please add a new viewer to your site, and try the fix as Dan described, and let me know if it works for you in your environment?  If so, then the problem lies somewhere in your existing json.js file.  If not, then the problem lies somewhere else.  


    Please let me know if this helps!




  • Permanently deleted user
    Thanks Danny.  I tried adding a new viewer and it still didn't make a difference.


    I am editing Desktop.json.js from here: c$\inetpub\wwwroot\Html5Viewer\Resources\Config\Default


    I want to make sure I'm asking about the right thing.  In the HTML5 Viewer I identify on a parcel and my results are shown in a window under the I want to menu. I click "View Additional Details" and by default it shows the additional details in the panel on the left.  What I want instead is for it to open at the bottom, like it would if I click "Show Expanded View".  When I click Show Expanded View the results are in the bottom panel, and I can see all of my data link tabs.


    _img_ alt="Expanded View" src="" _/_img_




  • Dan Giersz
    If you're editing the default JSON file it may be getting overwritten by your Site's JSON.


    Try changing it for the Site: <Geocortex install location>\Sites\<Site name>\Viewers\<viewer name>\VirtualDirectory\Resources\Config\Default
  • Permanently deleted user
    Thanks, I hadn't realised there were other Desktop.json.js files within each site!


    I edited the Desktop.json.js within that specific site but it still doesn't change anything.  I wonder if I'm trying to change the right thing?  I put ShowResultsTable under identify results instead of ShowResultsList.  Is that the same thing as Show Expanded View?  There isn't an expanded view option in the json file so I'm stuck if it isn't the same thing.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hey Stephanie, 


    I think Dan's suggestion in the latest post will do the trick (Thanks Dan, great catch!).  The file you are editing is not a 'global template', or anything like that.  The viewer configuration for the site is in the site's viewer folder.  


    If you'd like to change the default for new viewers you create, have a look at this KB article:





  • Permanently deleted user
    I tried changing it in the specific site and it still didn't make a difference.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Stephanie,


    Given the troubles you are having, I think I would suggest opening a support case, so that one of the analysts can assist you over a screen sharing session.




  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Stephanie,

    I see that this post is almost a year old but I was just working on the same thing. I also wanted the view additional details button to default to the expanded view. To do this i changed the "defaultViewMode" from compact to expanded in the desktop.json file.


     "moduleName": "FeatureDetails",


            "moduleType": "geocortex.essentialsHtmlViewer.mapping.modules.FeatureDetails.FeatureDetailsModule",


            "configuration": {


              "defaultViewMode": "expanded",


              "viewModes": {


                "compact": {


                  "viewId": "FeatureDetailsCompactView",


                  "defaultProviderTargetRegion": "FeatureDetailsCompactViewRegion"


  • Permanently deleted user

    In Essentials Manager 4.7, The "Results table" versus "Results List" can be configured in Default View Type, inside "Look and Feel" (Viewer 2.8).


    The "Expanded view" is also located at the bottom of the screen just like the "Results table", which is very confusing.  They look similar but have different information: The Expanded View is the only one that runs the "data link" queries.


    If you select "Results List", you can drill-down to a single feature by clicking on it,  However if you decide to display it as a "Results Table", then you cannot drill-down into a single feature to then display the "Expanded view" (which would be on top of the "Results Table").       This design is very confusing, (or is it just me?)
  • Permanently deleted user
    Durk!  That is exactly what I was trying to do!  Thank you so much for this.  I edited the desktop.json file and changed the defaultViewMode to "expanded" as you suggested and it worked for me too.  Fantastic.


    Frederic, I share your confusion.  In testing this, I now realise if I identify on a parcel then I don't see any of my data links.  However if I click on a parcel and it pops up a map tip and I click "View additional details" then I see the expanded view (as I just configured in the desktop.json above) with data links.


    What I want is for anyone to identify OR click a map tip on a parcel and go to the expanded view with data links.  Otherwise the data links are lost, and for us they contain so much additional information.  I'm trying to make this as easy as possible for our users.  I'm interested to hear how others are dealing with this.

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