Results to Bottom Pane in Table View Immediately upon Identify
I'm having no such luck in HTML5 finding a workaround. I tried changing the Desktop json file, specifically the Feature Details Default View from "Compact" to "Expanded" but it doesn't quite do the trick. When you do that you can only double click an indivudual record on the Side panel and then that lone records details opens in the Bottom pane in but still in List View.
In short, all Results are still defaulting to the Side panel and in List view. Has anyone had any success changing this?
Modify the json. 0 -
Perfect! Thanks Dan. Results were going to bottom in table view within seconds after the fix in the json. 0 -
Does this still work? I just upgraded to GE 4.5.1 and GVH 2.6.1 and I edited the Desktop.json.js and changed "ShowResultsList" to "ShowResultsTable" in the Results module as shown above. It didn't make a difference. I changed "ShowResultsList" to "ShowResultsTable" every time it occurred in that module, just to be sure (under Identify, Search, QueryBuilder, Workflow, and Selection) and it still makes no difference. What am I missing?
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Hi Stephanie, 0 -
We haven't upgraded yet so I don't know. Check if there is a "ShowResultsTable" under the layer action module. That is a default action. 0 -
Thanks for the replies! I just cleared my cache and it didn't help (it made me smile though, as I say that to my coworker so often he would laugh at me if he knew I hadn't tried that :)). 0 -
It's actually the results list action menu, search for "id": "ResultsListActions" 0 -
Thanks! Although I'm still not having any luck. I found "ResultsListActions" and it was already set to ShowResultsTable: 0 -
@Latitude: Is it possible to set the default identify results to open in table view instead of list view in GVH 2.6.1? 0 -
Hi Stephanie, 0 -
Thanks Danny. I tried adding a new viewer and it still didn't make a difference. 0 -
If you're editing the default JSON file it may be getting overwritten by your Site's JSON. 0 -
Thanks, I hadn't realised there were other Desktop.json.js files within each site! 0 -
Hey Stephanie, 0 -
I tried changing it in the specific site and it still didn't make a difference. 0 -
Hi Stephanie, 0 -
Hi Stephanie,
I see that this post is almost a year old but I was just working on the same thing. I also wanted the view additional details button to default to the expanded view. To do this i changed the "defaultViewMode" from compact to expanded in the desktop.json file.
"moduleName": "FeatureDetails",
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In Essentials Manager 4.7, The "Results table" versus "Results List" can be configured in Default View Type, inside "Look and Feel" (Viewer 2.8).
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Durk! That is exactly what I was trying to do! Thank you so much for this. I edited the desktop.json file and changed the defaultViewMode to "expanded" as you suggested and it worked for me too. Fantastic. 0 -
even in 4.12, i'm still struggling with this: 0
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