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2.5.2. identify error



  • Kevin Penner
    Hi Justin,


    One of our QA members here setup a reproduction site using some Bruce County services you sent from debugging GVH-7040 (Thanks Long!) and we were able to trace the source of the error. It appears that the error is coming from the 'Base Map' group being marked as identifiable in REST Manager. Looking at the tiled services endpoint, they do not support identify. You can test on your production site at and uncheck this group before you perform an identify.


    Now I'm not entirely sure why this issue cropped up in 2.5.2 and not previously. Please try the fix and get back to us.




  • Halil Siddique


    I am having the same problem. I have made sure my Base Map group (tiled cached service) has "Allow Identify Operations" as not ticked, but I still get the "The requested operation failed. Try again later, or inform your application administrator of the problem." error message.


    I have also made the base map not visible, but still get the same error.




  • Justin Kraemer

    Hi Kevin,


    Thank you for digging into this. By unchecking the Base Map group, the Identify error goes away as you indicated. But I wish to keep it identifiable, because prior to 2.5.2, Identify worked just fine on it. Identify continues to work just fine in the SLV on this service. I don't want to lose Identify capability in GVH5 on the layers in the cache. On inspecting the AGS service, I see no evidence of it not supporting Identify. It even has disableIdentifyRelates set to false. So I'm confused. Please explain for me.




  • Justin Kraemer
    In case it's relevant, while this problem cropped up after I upgraded GVH5 to 2.5.2, GE still remains at 4.4.2, so I'm curious to know if that has any impact.
  • Kevin Penner
    Are you using 'Base_Map_Cached2' for your base maps service? I have a URL to the endpoint, and I want to try to create locally.
  • Justin Kraemer
    yes, Base_Map_Cached2 is what I'm using
  • Kevin Penner
    Can you try opening the site, making a minor change and then save it? site endpoint says version 4.3.
  • Justin Kraemer
    Oops, my bad. I ought to have written GE 4.3.1 
  • Justin Kraemer
    that was before lunch
  • Eric Parsons
    Hi Justin,


    In version 2.5.2 of the HTML5 viewer, we switched from using a map service's Identify operation to using the Query operation on layers when identifying. It appears that the "Base_Map_Cached2" map service has the "Query" capability enabled in ArcGIS Server, but has the "Data" capability disabled. If you turn on the latter, then the error that you are experiencing in the HTML viewer should go away (see the section "Limiting what users can do with a service" ( here  for more information). We will investigate further to see how we can accomodate services with this configuration in future versions.
  • Justin Kraemer
    That worked like a charm! Thanks so much, Eric!
  • Justin Kraemer
    And thank you also to Kevin for the help earlier.
  • Eric Kriener
    Hey Eric,


    what if I have map, query, and data checked for all of my services, but am still getting this error?


  • Eric Parsons
    Hi Eric,


    Sorry for the delayed response. The missing "Data" capability is the only known cause of the this error at the moment. Is your map service publicly accessible? If so, please post the URL and we can have a look. If not, then we would need to see the browser console log and a Fiddler trace showing the requests & responses to/from your service, and any other information that you could provide. In this case it would be best to submit a support request and have one of our support representatives help you gather that information.
  • Eric Parsons
    Hi Eric,


    I created a test site using that service, and am able to identify features and use map tips without any errors. I can't actually see any of the features on the map (the service is configured to draw everything as 100% transparent), but I can interact with them and see their attributes. Maybe you could send us a zipped copy of the folder containing the site that is causing you the issue? Then we could try to reproduce the issue here and investigate further.
  • Eric Kriener
    I can tell you that it is an intermittent problem but it happens every morning when I get here and goes away when I restart the service. (Therefore, it is not happening right now)


    To whom would I send the file?
  • Eric Parsons
    You can send it to Just be sure to mention this thread in your support request, and that the file should come to me.


    Having said that, it sounds like your map service may be at fault, in which case I'm not sure what we'll be able to do on our end to resolve this. Nevertheless, I will try to recreate the issue and hopefully glean some useful information from the service's response if I can get the error to occur.
  • Eric Parsons
    Hi Eric,


    I was finally able to observe the error happening while running the Fiddler web debugger. It seems that your service is intermittently returning an HTTP 500 response (Internal Error) when querying layers or requesting a map export. Unfortunately, there were no further details about the nature of the error, so that isn't much to go on. Replaying the exact same requests at a later time was successful. I would suggest contacting Esri support to help diagnose the issue.
  • Eric Kriener
    Thanks for your help Eric.
  • Permanently deleted user
    I had the same issue and after working with Latitude we found it was caused by not having the Shape field visible when publishing a map service. I went back and turned that field on, republished, and the identify tool worked fine. Hopefully that will help someone else with this issue.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi there,


    I've been making interactive maps for several months now. No issues. Today, I created an interactive map, I follow the usual process, but when I test the "Identify" the following error message pops up, "The requested operation failed. Try again later, or inform your application administrator of the problem."


    I've checked my mapping capabilities. The following operations are allowed/enabled: data, map and query. 


    Here's the link to my interactive map:


    I've tested the Identity tool on our other interactive maps, and they're all working fine. Any suggestions? 


  • Nico Burgerhart
    I think the issue is in (displaying of) one of the fields of A query request to this layer returns an error.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Followed Melissa Gayley's advice and switched the shape field to visible. Republished service and refreshed the site. Worked perfectly. 
  • Permanently deleted user
    This appeared for me at 2.7.1.  Not sure how, but my map service published incorrectly and shows 2 spatial colums.
  • Bobby Jo Close


    Were you able to remove the second Shape field from your map service? I am having the same issue and republishing my map service is not removing the extra field.


    Thank you, Bobby Jo
  • Scott Daniel
    I was getting the same error. Both Query and Data were enabled on the map service. The SHAPE field was also visible. However, the SHAPE field was not last in the list of fields. Moving the SHAPE field to the bottom of the list and re-publishing the map service fixed the issue!
  • Permanently deleted user
    I too am getting the same error.  Both Query and Data are enabled on the map service. The SHAPE field is also visible. This is only an issue with the HTML5 (2.9) viewer for me, my Silverlight viewers are using the same service and work fine.  Seems like a bug with HTML5.  


  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Craig,


    Your issue is resolved but for the benefit of others that may read this thread, the issue appears to be a bug in the ESRI javascript API (and not the Silverlight API) and it is resolved by moving the SHAPE fields to the bottom of the fields list and republishing the service.  The ESRI bug number is ( BUG-000099970 .




    Wayne Richard


    Latitude Geographics Group Ltd.


    Head Office: 300 – 1117 Wharf Street  Victoria, BC Canada V8W 1T7


    Tel: (250) 381-8130 | Fax: (250) 381-8132 | 


    Developers of Geocortex web-based mapping software |


    An Esri Platinum Business Partner


  • Permanently deleted user
    I just wanted to let others know - we have solved this problem after several months by doing the following:


    1: Update the MXD documents and move the fields for every feature class to the end of the table SHAPE, SHAPE.AREA, SHAPE.LEN (in this order, shape.len being the last) to the end of the fields list in ArcMap. You can do this in the Properties menu > Fields


    2. Republish the service


    3. For some services we got an error and couln't overwrite or delete it, we followed the instructions by Esri that Wayne Richard is refering to:


    Remember to restart the ArcGIS Windows Service at the end (last step on the list)


    I hope this is helpful, Iris

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