EssentialsInfo and EssentialsLog Issues
We have all ports open needed but essentialsinfo.log and essentialslog.log still reports a connection failure and the most useful part of insight fails to work.
Hello Chris, 0 -
[2016-03-29 10:19:24,283][WARN ][Role: Insight.EssentialsLog InstanceID: 4410bb68-5708-4da9-aff7-eacf682bc8b3][Insight.EssentialsLog][Platform.MessageQueueMultiplexer] Inner exception: 0 -
Thanks Chris, it sounds to me like a problem on the Essentials server side. Could you please post one of your Role.Config files for either the Info or Log collector? By default you can find them here: 0 -
<Role Name="Insight.EssentialsInfo" Binary="Geocortex.Insight.Collectors.EssentialsInfo.exe" Namespace="Geocortex.Insight" AutoStart="True" DelayStart="True"> 0 -
We can use telnet to access the server ip listed in the above config file just fine from both ends. 0 -
Hi Chris, 0
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