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Rotate North Orientation

Not planned



  • Permanently deleted user
    Our company uses local projections, and users are accostomed to seeing our facilities with a specific orientation on maps. The abitlity to rotate the canvas for printing, as well a viewing, would be appreciated.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Rotating the map is not supported in Esri's 3.X Javascript API, and is therefore not something the 2.X versions of the HTML5 viewer are capable of. Map rotation is available in the 4.X version of Esri's JS API, so the 3.0 HTML5 viewer will offer this functionality.

    I'm tagging this as "Not Planned" because this isn't functionality we'll be providing ourselves, but you could also say it's "on the roadmap".
  • Permanently deleted user
    This is great. Our users have been requesting this functionality for a long time. Thanks for the info, Jordan.
  • Permanently deleted user
    We would also be thrilled if this would be possible.

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