Geocortex Insight is now Geocortex Analytics
Back in May of this year, we announced that as of version 1.1, Geocortex Insight would be called Geocortex Analytics. We've changed the name to avoid confusion with ( Insights for ArcGIS . You may have noticed that over the past few weeks, "Insight" has been replaced with "Analytics" here on the Support Center; at the time, most of the Insight users were aware of the rebranding (or figured it out in short order), so I'd delayed any sort of announcement until the Analytics 1.1 was imminent. Well, we've reached that point! We anticipate that Analytics will be out within the next week or so.
Moving forward, we'll tend to refer to any version of Insight/Analytics as "Geocortex Analytics", but you may see references to Insight in older posts and documentation; we won't retroactively update Support Center content. So this announcement is also a reference point for new Geocortex customers who are wondering about this "Geocortex Insight" thing they sometimes see referenced.
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