Connect to AGS Server secured services
I try to connect to a GIS tier secured mapservice but when I provide token username and password I get an error:
Unable to connect to data source.
Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length
When the mapservice is not secured it works fine:
pwd can be provided
Hello Erik,
Yes, it would be useful to be able to reproduce this issue locally. Please email me at with your credentials.
Thanks, Stefan
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Unfortunately are IT department disabled public access. I ask them what is possible (adding is not enough or not correctly configured)
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No problem. Could you try opening Chrome DevTools (F12), Console tab, while adding the data source and pass along the error information that is captured?
Is there any additional security settings on AGS instance at the IIS level?
Thanks, Stefan
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The only part I find is this:
{success: false, message: "Length cannot be less than zero. ?Parameter name: length"}
message:"Length cannot be less than zero. ?Parameter name: length"
There is no extra security involved
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The service is now open to everyone. I send you an email with the credentials!
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Hey Erik,
I was able to reproduce your issue, and it is indeed a bug. I have filed it with the dev team and it will be fixed before the 5.0 release.
Many thanks for reporting the issue.
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Is connection to secure service now working?
I have a service URL:
and I supply my token username and password values, but continually get this error:
Unable to connect to data source.
ArcGIS Server Error - 400 : Failed to acquire Service Token - Invalid URL - Invalid URL
URL and ID works perfectly fine in the browser... what could be wrong?
Thanks for any ideas!
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to be clear, I get that message after running the new connection test.
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Hey David,
Erik's issue is separate from your own and was fixed in the 5.0 release (v5.0.3).
Federated services do not require the Token Username or Password fields to be specified. Access is granted based on the permissions of the signed in user. Ensure your user has access to the Feature Server in Portal, then try removing to Token Username and Password values and testing the connection again.
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Thanks Paul.
That was the first way I tried. Just checked again. logged in to agol. used the exact item url for the report. no token values. same issue. as per images.
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I have also tried pasting into the url a token from an endpoint view, but that was just rejected as a bad URL, mapserver or featureserver required...
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Hey David,
You're not doing anything wrong, you're configuration is correct, but you've stumbled across a bug we found regarding federated services this week. We have since patched it, and the fix will be present in the upcoming Maintenance Release of Reporting 5.
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Thank you Paul.
Look forward to the fix.
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@Paul Hunter? hey Paul I have found a similar behaviour in running a geoprocessing activity in WF5... would it be the same/related bug?
"[WF: activity error] No token available for service"
works fine from service url in the browser...
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Hi David,
When running a secured geoprocessing activity, you'll need to generate the required token first in a Send Web Request, then append it to the 'Url' property.
Thanks, Stefan
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Thank you Stefan,
however I have been trying that exact thing and have encountered a problem as described in this post below, to which I just now posted:
Thanks so much for your help.
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@Paul Hunter? Gday Paul,
"a bug we found regarding federated services this week. We have since patched it, and the fix will be present in the upcoming Maintenance Release of Reporting 5."
Do you know when the Maint. Release will be coming out? (Any workaround in the meantime?)
Cheers, Dave
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Hey David,
The Maintenance release rolled out last week, you can download the on-prem installer here -
If you're using the SaaS Designer ( you're all set to use Federated Services.
- Paul
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