Error when trying to create a Blank Report
When selecting Blank Report I get the error below and cant proceed any further
Hi Chris,
Could you provide some information about the environment you are using: Operating System, Browser, On-prem or SaaS
There may also have been a temporary interruption of service, are you still seeing this error?
Thanks, Stefan
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Hi Stefan
Still get the same error this morning. I am using the SaaS option, logging in using my Geocortex Account details, on Windows 10 and this happens both in Chrome and IE. Further to this it doesn't matter which template I try; Layer Report Wizard, Blank Report or Mailing Label Wizard, I get the same error and Geocortex Reporting just hangs.
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I should also add, that it just not me, my other team member also sees the same issue on their PC.
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Thanks for your information. I've created an issue with you as a stakeholder.
Could you run Chrome DevTools (F12) and check the Console tab for any errors that occur while this is attempting to load and post them?
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Hi Stefan
All that comes up is a warning stating "Unable to get API token"?
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Hi Chris,
Would you be able to capture a HAR file from your designer load using these instructions: and email it to me:
Thanks, Stefan
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Hi Stefan
Please see file attached
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Thanks Chris, I'll let you know our progress on this issue.
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Not sure if this applies in your situation Chris, but I got the same error when our on-site Reports 5 dev server was using a self-signed cert. The browser's Dev tools-> network tab showed a 500 error on the URL. Once I flipped it back to the Entrust cert (not sure how it got switched) the undefined error went away and things started working properly.
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Hey Chris,
Can you confirm the status of your Linked ArcGIS Account for me. Is it an Organization User or Public User? Do you know if the account is a Level 1 or Level 2 user?
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Hi Paul
I just have a Public ArcGIS Online account as we use an Enterprise Portal normally. However I get the same issues whether logging in with my Geocortex Identity or my ArcGIS Online Pubic creds.
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