Analytics reports afster instance name change
We had Analytics 1.4.2.up and running. It was collecting data from two Geocortex Essentials 4.8.2. clusters (an internal cluster/instance and an external cluster/instance) --> Agents were installed on the clustered servers. This week we have done an upgrade to Geocortex Essentials 4.10.2 and also changes the istance name! We got the Essentials Cluster all up and running fine with the new instance name. However, Analytics still looks at the old instance names and therefore it does not collect data any more.
How can we teach Analytics to start collection data from the new instance name? We have tried to restart the Geocortex core of Analytics, but that did not work.
Thanks for your replies / ideas.
Hi Vincent 0 -
After conferring with coworkers, it appears this instance change should not have affected Analytics. The idea of the Agent is that it is able to identify an instance and report it to Analytics. We might want to take a look at your Analytics agent logs on the Essentials machines at C:\Program Files\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Core\Data\Logs named and see if we see any errors. 0
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