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Geocortex Analytics Hub Server lots of network traffic


1 comment

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Steven,


    10mb/s does seem high, but it could be expected - it all depends on how much data is being collected. The busier your Essentials and ArcGIS Servers are, the more log files will be created and, in turn, collected by Analytics. 


    A couple ideas: 


    1) Open Windows tool Resource Monitor on the Hub. Go to the Network tab. Confirm Analytics processes are causing the network activity. Do the same for each Agent. This should narrow it down. 


    2) Check Essentials and/or ArcGIS Server log file locations for the 'busy' Agents. Compare the quantity/size of the log files to the amount of traffic. This won't be an exact science but you'll be able to tell if it's reasonable or not.


    3) If those log files are exceptionally large, they are likely full of errors and worth investigating. 


    4) If those log files seem reasonable in size, perhaps they are being uploaded more than once and that should be investigated. 


    Hopefully those ideas will reveal the root cause of the issue and you can resolve from there. If not, please contact Geocortex support ( for further assistance.



    Aaron Oxley

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