Report element behavior scripts are disabled / missing, except After Print.
This tutorial shows how to add a script and link to an element in the design view. The issue is when trying to copy this tutorial all the script options are disabled except "After Print." When trying to follow the tutorial the "Before Print" script has no drop down at all.
There appears to be js errors related to drop down boxes when using the report designer. This is likely why the drop down boxes are now showing up.
TypeError: this.element(...) addClass is not a function.
... Reporting/designer/static/js/dx.e25855.chunk.js:1
this.element().addClass("dx-eventdropdowneditor dx-selectbox")...
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Uncaught TypeError: Unable to process binding "dxEventDropDownEditor: function(){return { items:$,value:value,editEnabled:true,disabled:disabled,secondAction:function(){ $root.gotoEvent && $root.gotoEvent($data.value(),name,$parents[1]._model && $parents[1]._model());},placeholder:$root.dx.Analytics.Internal.selectPlaceholder(),noDataText:$root.dx.Analytics.Internal.noDataText()} }"
Message: this.element(...).addClass is not a function
Error line is underlined. If the js is pretty formatted it would be line 31961.
i.prototype._render = function() {
this.element().addClass("dx-eventdropdowneditor dx-selectbox"),
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The version of Geocortex Reporting is: 5.4.0
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We rolled Reporting back to 5.3 and the drop downs showed up. Tried moving back to 5.4 and the drop downs are missing. The issue with 5.3 is that "DevExpress.DataAccess.Json" is not included or not accessible.
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Was hoping that 5.5 would fix the issue but no luck.
- Any report element has script drop downs missing.
- Element > Behavior > Scripts
- Only the first drop down draws the rest do not show up. See the image at the top of this original post.
- Versions 5.4 and 5.5 have this error.
- Error happens in Firefox and Chrome (both latest versions)
The error occurs at the same function as before:
i.prototype._render = function() {
this.element().addClass("dx-eventdropdowneditor dx-selectbox"),
If the js is human formatted it would be line 32228.
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These drop downs continue to fail in 5.5. However, if you add events through the script window those events do actually fire now in 5.5.
Here is the related custom json as report records thread.
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