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Can I save a template layer report to use with different data sources/layers? I don't want to have to set up my identical corporate headers, table styles, fonts etc. every time I create a new layer report.



  • Stefan Schweigert

    Hi Lauren,


    We currently don't have the ability to define a template layer report but that is an interesting idea; I've mentioned the idea to the dev lead on the project.


    It is possible to change the source layer's name through the Report Explorer. If you expand the Components section, hover over the element that you'd like to change, there's a Properties button, which allows you to change the default Name.


    Thanks, Stefan

  • Lauren MacLean

    Include template sub-reports too please! Or the ability to copy-paste a subreport then change the datasource ( I think this might have been a bug that's been fixed in the latest release though?)


    Even copy-pasting elements from one report to another, they change size and location so then I have to have two windows open and sit there adjusting the layout values one item at a time.


    Even a global/template setting for measure units and default size would be a help - I have to change it to millimeters and (so far) A4 for every report and subreport

  • GIS Support

    Has there been any progress on this? I'm in the same boat, I would like to Save-As then do a REST end-point switch. Seems changing the data source is not possible on a Layer Report.

    Once you create a report (TESTING perhaps!!) then switch to a production service, throw your report away and start again. Am I wrong??!

  • Lauren MacLean

    Hi GIS Support, As far as I can see there has not been any progress on this. you still can't even save a font to use as default on all reports. 

    However going from QA\TEST to production isn't as big of a problem. The key issue there is that your datasources must have the same name in QA as in PROD. they can point to a different source database\service but what you name it in Reporting must be identical. Then in QA you export the report to JSON, then import that JSON into PROD.

    If you've named the datasources differently (I like to have mine clearly say QA so that I know what environment I'm in without checking...) you can actually open the JSON, decode the datasource and update it, re-encode and then import it. But you wouldn't want this as part of your normal process, I did this to make my two environments match to avoid the issue going forward.

  • GIS Support

    Hi Lauren,

    Thanks for the response. I saw your other post and followed that. It worked great.

    ...Export json, swap out the BASE64 connection info (assuming naming stays consistent), Import json

    thanks again,


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