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I would like to thereport to have a border on all four sides.



  • Lauren MacLean

    you might need the cross-band box. you add it and define the start and end bands (you'd want report header and report footer as the start and end)


  • Jenny Oh

    Thank you so much. It worked.

  • Tyson Schoepflin

    Is this working as expected? Currently using Reporting 5.10 and a cross band box when set from page header to page footer does not draw a line across from header to footer through the detail band. Instead is only draw around the page header and the page footer.


    To get around this issue I've added 3 cross band boxes. One for the header which draws all border except the bottom, one for the detail band which draws only the side borders, and finally a footer one that draws all but the top border. This works if the detail band does not have a sub report.


    If the detail band has a sub report AND the sub report has enough content to force another page the parent detail band with its cross band box fails to draw the side borders on any new page that the sub report caused. It also prevents the cross and box from drawing on any content in the detail band below that sub report.


    Working cross band box


    Cross bad box border breaking if sub report causes more pages


  • Jenny Oh

    I have one cross band box and it is set from TopMargin1 to BottomMargin1. It draws a frame on every page created. I attached the Report Explorer and properties page. I hope this helps.

    My report is using version 5.9.

  • Jenny Oh


  • Jenny Oh


  • Tyson Schoepflin

    @Oh, Jenny? 


    What values are you using for the top and bottom margin start and end points? Is there any other report setting that is required?


    I tried using the margin for the start and stop bands first but it would never render in a preview or when run from a workflow.

  • Jenny Oh

    Top Margin X =25 and Y=22 , Botton Margin X=25, Y=2, Width is set to 780.

    I would start from scratch. First add the cross band, then all the details.

    Just copy from one report to the new report. Test in preview first before adding a other components.

  • Tyson Schoepflin

    @Oh, Jenny? 


    Thank you for the suggestion! A new file fixed the issue, a single cross band box from top to bottom margin works as expected.

  • Jenny Oh

    Great. I am glad to help.


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