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Analytics ClientRelay 403 after Essentials 4.13.3 Update



  • Gareth Evans
    Hi David


    I'd confirm you are indeed looking at the right proxy.config, as the issue you're describing sounds like the viewer template was overwritten in the upgrade.



    The fact that you get a 403 for the proxied request means that the entry isn't shown in the proxy.config being used. I'd confirm where your viewer template is in IIS (by default /HTML5Viewer) and check the proxy.config in there. Chances are, you've got a default one missing your entry.



    If you're still seeing the issue, please feel free to email us at to open a case and we can get on a screenshare to troubleshoot.




    Gareth Evans | Product Support Analyst


  • Mark Peacey

    David, did you ever find a fix for this? I'm seeing the same thing (403 forbidden) with GE 4.14.2. Client Relay is using the proxy when it doesn't need to as it's trying to hit

    Proxy.config located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Html5Viewer has <ProxyConfig mustMatch="true" setForwarded="false"> so it shouldn't use the proxy as the Client Relay url isn't listed (it only lists the default gedemo and sampleserver urls).

    How do I get the Client Relay url to not use the proxy?

  • Andrew Adamson

    Hey Mark, I'm on Dave's team. We reverted to a pre update proxy.config. During the viewer update, the update process takes a backup of the previous HTML5 viewer's wwwroot/Html5Viewer directory. I believe the default location is Program Files (x86)\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Essentials\Default\Backups\


    If it was working before, I would attempt to revert to a previous version of the file if you can.

  • Gareth Evans

    @Mark Peacey? the Analytics client relay in GVH uses the Essentials proxy by design, as we normally recommend Analytics be deployed in a location that is not externally accessible. We do not have a documented method of forcing GVH to not use the proxy.


    Those two entries - mustMatch and setForwarded mean:

    • mustMatch: that the URL must match the entry specifically
    • setForwarded: forward the originator IP of the request, so your requests are attributed to them rather than the Essentials server IP
  • Mark Peacey

    Thanks @Andrew Adamson? and @Gareth Evans? . I was confusing the proxy config with our internet proxy (which I don't need, it's all internal). Have added the relevant Analytics URL to the proxy.config and it's now working.

  • Gareth Evans

    @Mark Peacey? you're welcome, glad to hear it!


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