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Now Available: VertiGIS Studio Web 5.17



  • Jake Brown

    Excited to have feature geometry editing available - nice work!

  • Cam Barnard

    Cattyann Campbell ... did you figure this one out? The Add Feature needs a layer context. "

    • Add Feature requires a layer context such as the layer list. This allows the creation of a new feature using a user-created geometry. Initial feature attributes will be populated from a layer template.


    Simplest way is to go to your Layer List and add a Layer Action ... Add Feature will show up as a tool there. There are LOTS of other ways to configure this behavior, but if you are just looking to try it out that is the quickest. 

  • Cam Barnard

    Owen Parfrey

    • Freehand drawing is done for lines and polygons by holding the mouse button down and moving the mouse, rather than clicking the mouse to create individual vertices.
    • To allow deletion in feature details, the easiest way is to go into the editing menu on the result details and turn on deletion then you'll see both a delete and an edit button at the bottom of the feature details.
      If you want to add it to the feature actions, you can add a custom command with this fragment (we can add a tool in the future in this context).
          "name": "edit.delete-features",
          "arguments": {
            "showNotifications": true



  • Cam Barnard

    Kieran Bird ... nothing out of the box exists currently for bulk editing attributes. There are a few different UI/UX approaches to this that folks take depending on the underlying use case or goal. A common use case is to want to set one or two attribute values on a number of features (i.e. I just finished a dozen work requests and I now want to set the date completed and the status on all twelve at once.) Another common use case is 'review and correct' ... here a tabular (table) view is used to view existing values and correct those that need updates.

    I have future vision for a different type of feature table view that is 100% server backed by Esri feature server layers (server-side operations only therefore true paged for theoretically unlimited size ... this is where I'm considering tackling an edit-in-table view)

  • Cam Barnard

    Jake BrownThanks Jake. The team has worked really hard on the out of the box editing tools. I'm sure there will be a few tweaks needed in the future, but they came together REALLY nicely!


  • Jeff Pope

    Is the edit vertices option available with Studio Workflow yet? Love to have that option to add to a custom workflow. Only available now with OOTB feature editing.

  • Cattyann Campbell

    How do you add a feature via the new "Editing Toolbar" I can edit existing feature but if I wish to add a feature I don't see the tools in the interface for this at all. I did not see an Add Feature or Draw Feature button tool in the backend at all  only edit and delete am I missing something?

  • Peter MacKenzie

    editing tools in Web Designer looking very nice so far! 

  • Cam Barnard

    Hi Peter MacKenzie,

    Deletion is implemented. In fact we've even implemented support for multi-select and multi-delete on features (along with other multi-select options like moving multiple features).

    We didn't turn it on by default in our template (didn't want everyone deleting our demo data) but you can do so easily here:

  • Peter MacKenzie

    Thanks Cam. Speaking of delete...I actually deleted that part of my comment/question because I worked it out soon after typing it! Good to have it documented nonetheless. 
    For the readers, I've also added the delete command to my Map Tools so you can delete a feature by clicking the tool THEN clicking the feature.

    Out next goal is work out a way to control editing and/or deleting to certain groups and users. I'm thinking visibility filters but not sure how to control for individual layers. I'll report back after some testing. Or anyone chime in if they have had success in this.  

  • Cam Barnard

    Peter MacKenzie ... Yes, you've got it exactly right. There are many other ways to expose this functionality to allow for flexibility, but we also needed a simple way to turning it on for everything. On the theme of flexibility I included on example in the default template of how you'd invoke editing in a way that it is unique to one feature layer, and as an example of how you can allow an editing session that includes only some editing capabilities. The Move Hydrant action is an editing session that uses initialization options so that the only thing the end user can do is relocate the asset (can't rotate, change vertices, attributes etc.) There is enough flexibility that Web should satisfy use cases I've been hearing from customers for years about restricting editing only to attributes, or only to geometry, or only to one aspect of geometry.

  • Cattyann Campbell

    Cam Barnard

    1. First of all thanks it's really nice to have these tools in the interface long time coming but worth the wait
    2. So you created these tools of beauty and hid them eh? I was looking for multi-select yesterday and could not figure that out... and snapping where is that? 
    3. Once I figure out the snapping and hook up the multi-select goodness we'll be mostly set 
    4. Will we see a bearing and distance tool while drawing esp. for lines and polygons in the near future?
  • Cattyann Campbell

    Where are the multi-selections tools and how to snap to a feature while editing? Does this require a workflow?

  • Owen Parfrey


    I'm curious - why can't I add a Delete menu item command to the Results Detail? I can add Edit Feature as a menu command but not Delete. It just doesn't appear in the command list when try and add it. All I want is a simple way for the user to be able to delete a feature they have selected to edit.

    Also how do I enable access to change the Style of a feature when adding one. I can access the Style menu on the layer item but doesn't seem to do anything.

    Finally how do you go about enabling freehand drawing option for lines or regions when adding a new feature to an editable table?

  • Cam Barnard

    Cattyann Campbell "Where are the multi-selections tools and how to snap to a feature while editing?"
    There are two types of multi selection. Multi-selection of separate features is possible, but we haven't made the default tools work that way since it is an uncommon case. The more common case is to edit a polygon, hold ctrl down to select several vertices, then use the arrow keys to move them around as a group.

    Snapping is in progress. Though often used together with editing, it is a separate subsystem that will also be used with drawing, measurement, and the like. 

  • Owen Parfrey

    Thanks Cam,

    I have enabled Edit and Delete in the "Editing" section for Results Details and I am still unable to delete features. No delete button appears on the Result Details dialog. Only an Edit button. I am able to edit and delete features fine from this feature layer using other viewers (ArcGIS Map Viewer, Studio Go etc) but just not Web. Is there something else controlling this or could it be a bug?

  • Cam Barnard

    Owen Parfrey ... there IS a bug, but it is with updating the preview. If you save and re-load the app (or access the app outside Designer) you'll see the Delete button.

  • Peter MacKenzie

    Thanks for this snippet Cam Barnard, I have added the Delete Features to the results details successfully.

  • Erik Kuipers


    Is editing related records also on the list? When working with rel.classes, editing of related records from a featureclass is working but editing a stand alone table is not.

    The edit feature (name says it all!!) is greyed out


  • Kieran Bird

    Hi Cam, 

    I was wondering if it is possible to do bulk editing of attributes? It is a great feature being able to edit features and their attributes, but it would be even better if we could edit the attributes of multiple features in a table.

    Is this currently supported and if so what would you recommend as the best way of doing it?

    Many thanks! Kieran

  • Kieran Bird

    Thank you Cam!

    Good to hear it is on the radar. I think we are heading towards a 'review and correct' approach with a tabular view used to view existing values and make bulk updates/ edits. Do you know of any resources, guidance or examples of this that you are able to share to help getting started please?

    Kind regards, Kieran


  • Peter MacKenzie

    I have re-read these comments and still have this question: - how can I enable an Add Feature only on specific layers? If I add the Add Feature command to the Layer Actions, it enables users to add features to all of the feature layers even if editing in disabled on the layer in the web map.

  • Peter MacKenzie

    I've realized I can create a hosted layer view and add that to my map instead but is there a way to control it in VSW designer? 

  • Peter MacKenzie

    I've also realized you control the 'editability' of layers in Portal/AGOL in the settings of the item. This automatically shows/hides the Add Feature function in the VSW app. This is one way to control it. 
    Although, if one app required editing abilities and other didn't - how would one control this?
    Are there any Demo videos showing the editing strategies mentioned in this thread. It seems like there should be. 


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