Breaking Change: Custom .NET activities and form elements in VertiGIS Studio Workflow
As part of our ongoing migration from Geocortex to VertiGIS Studio, all .NET code in VertiGIS Studio Workflow will move from the “Geocortex.Workflow” namespace to “VertiGIS.Workflow” in the 5.30 release.
Affected customers:
This affects you if:
- You use the Mobile SDK with custom Workflow activities or custom Form Elements.
- You use Workflow Server with custom Workflow activities.
This does not affect you if:
- You are using custom Workflow activities or custom Form Elements in TypeScript. (Such as in Geocortex Viewer for HTML or VertiGIS Studio Web.)
- You are using VertiGIS Go.
- You are using VertiGIS Studio Mobile’s App Build Service to build your own apps.
For further details of the steps you must take, please refer to this knowledge base article:
Breaking Changes with Custom .NET Activities and Custom .NET Form Elements in VertiGIS Studio Workflow
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