Now Available: VertiGIS Studio Mobile 5.22
This release includes:
- Our App Selector has finally completed its transformation and what we used to call V2 is now the default experience - bringing better usability and performance.
- Added support for Leica's Zeno FLX100 and Zeno FLX100 plus receivers
- We have enhanced our text component to allow for an opaque background. This allows for a really convenient way to put text on the map. For apps that had already used the text component, there might be a minor change to padding.
- Map area downloads will always be followed by an Update
- Improved accuracy of GNSS position reporting
- Added support for selecting a Null option for coded value domains
- We've added a new command to change the color of the location indicator (blue dot). This could allow an app author to use the color of the dot to indicate some other state (a Workflow is running, or the user is actively streaming a geometry, for example)
- Added support for Workflow's Get Form Element Value activity
- It is now possible to configure an app to listen for and respond to specific events. The configuration of this is not yet exposed in our Designer interface, but we're working on a blog post that will describe these patterns.
And, as always, a number of bug fixes and enhancements. Check out the Release Notes.
On-premises installer:
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