Unable to select multiple
Since the last report update, I can't hold control and select multiple tables/boxes to move them or delete them. Is this a problem for anyone else?
I can select individual table cells by pointing and clicking but I am no longer able to drag the mouse to select whole tables or multiple report elements. It is very frustrating!
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Having the same issue here!
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Hi All,
I can confirm that this was fixed today and will be part of the Printing and Reporting 5.21 releases.
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Hi everyone
I noted this behaviour as well and reproduced it in a VSR 5.20 environment. I confirmed this is a regression from VSR 5.19. I've filed bug item 222163: "No selection box appears when attempting to select multiple controls via click & drag" and alerted our product team. I don't have any specifics on timeline for a fix, though I can say that our VSR 5.21 release is targeted for June 2023.
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@... That's great news! Is that release still expected for June 2023 or could we see this fix earlier? Thanks!
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