Unable to load layer when opening mobile app
I've been getting an error that a layer isn't able to load when opening the mobile app on Studio Go. The layer loads fine in map viewer and I was able to do edits.
The log viewer didn't return anything supportive, just said "monotouch Warning: 0 : Error attempting to initialize child item: Failed to initialize item."
Also searched on the community and only found a thread 3 years ago which doesn't seem to be the same issue.
Help is appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Aaron,
Phil from the Mobile team here. What type of layer are you attempting to use? We support many types, but we are aware that there are some service types we do not yet support. Here's a list of our currently supported services:
If you're looking to use a layer offline, Esri also has a helpful guide to ensuring offline-compatibility:
Hope that helps,Phil
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Hi Phil,
They are feature layers. We have 2 layers within a group layer, one was able to load but the other wasn't. Just a spontaneous thought, would the field name length be a trigger?
Note: it failed in ArcGIS field maps as well as VSM.
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Hi Aaron,
Feature layers are definitely supported, both grouped and ungrouped. In terms of field name length, I regularly test with a layer that has 56 characters in the name with no issue. Is yours longer than that?
If it's not working in Field Maps, that doesn't bode well for VSM. We integrate Esri's .NET Runtime (which drives Field Maps) into our app, so a bug in that may be a blocker for us as well.
Have you tried republishing the layer? We've occasionally seen errors as layers are generated in say ArcPro which seem to be magically fixed by simply republishing them.
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Hi Phil,
They are not as long. So i guess that's not the issue.
I haven't tried republishing the layer yet. But I have published it in another environment and had the same result, so I think that's something in the underlying layer.
Is there anything you know with a feature class/ schema/ relationship that might cause this issue?
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Hi Aaron,
It's tough to say given just how configurable data can be. When you go to publish it, does the analyzer tool flag any concerns with the layer? Is it stored in the same spatial reference system as the other layer? That SHOULDN'T be a factor, as Esri's Runtime dynamically reprojects all layers to match the spatial reference of the web map's basemap, but it is something you could check.
Are there any relates in memory or relationship classes involved (we've encountered some issues with relates in memory)? Are you saving the data as a web map from ArcPro or as a web layer (we've seen some issues with web layers published like that)?
A post in Esri's forums might also bear fruit since you're seeing the issue in Field Maps.
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Hi Phil,
No errors flag by the analyze tool. Same coordinate system. No relationship in memory, a few relationship classes. We use web layer, but the other layer within the same feature service was fine.
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Update - Myth busted. It was a weird domain, ranged domain in a text field.
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Thanks for the follow up. I'm glad you got it sorted out!
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