Esri requires TLS 1.2 connections for ArcGIS Online services as of April 16, 2019. See for a full article outlining this change.
This change affects users who:
- Consume ArcGIS Online resources from their on-premises Reporting or Workflow
- Use ArcGIS Online as the sign-in method for their on-premises installations.
Only On-Premises installations are affected. Customers using the SaaS version of VertiGIS Studio products will not be affected.
On-premises VertiGIS Studio software use the host operating system to negotiate secure connections to external services. To ensure that outgoing connections will support TLS 1.2, set the following two registry keys on the server where your on-premises product is installed:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319\SchUseStrongCrypto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319\SchUseStrongCrypto
Both keys are new DWORD (32-bit) Value entries. Set the value to 1. The server will need to be rebooted once the keys are added (This is a requirement and cannot be avoided for the registry settings to take effect). After that, the secure channel code will only use strong cryptography algorithms when making SSL requests.
You can also use the attached SchUseStrongCrypto.reg file to import the two registry keys into your system.
Note: We recommend making a backup of the registry before making changes. Updating the TLS settings in the registry may also affect how Remote Desktop connections are negotiated to the server, so please consult with your IT provider if there are any concerns in applying these updates.
Check the dot net framework version on the server. If the version on your server is 4.6 or less, upgrade to version 4.7 or greater.
For more information on the referenced registry keys, refer to Configuring security via the Windows Registry in Microsoft's document on Transport Layer Security best practices.
If you have any questions or concerns about making these changes, please open a Support ticket or contact your VertiGIS Studio reseller for assistance.
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