ConnectMaster “Product Idea” Post Template
AngeheftetPost Title:
Example: Open Schematic View of Cabinets from Geo Mapping
Feature Request Summary:
Example: ConnectMaster should have the possibility to open the schematic assembly view of cabinets from the Geo Mapping view
Functional Area / Module:
Example: Geo Mapping
Description/Use Cases:
Example: In network nodes with Cabinets inside I would like to be able to open the schematic view of the cabinet assembly. As a view user, I want to be able to select an entry in the context menu for the node object. As an edit user, I would then like to be able to make changes directly in the cabinet structure.
Business impact of limitation or missing of the feature:
Example: This feature would enhance the productivity of our ConnectMaster users and accelerate our operational processes.
Other necessary information or resources:
Example: If necessary, I will be happy to send you a sketch of the desired representation.
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