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Get Geometry From JSON - TypeError: k.geometry is not iterable


6 Kommentare

  • Berend Veldkamp

    Could you add the exact input of the GeometryFromJson activity?

  • Niluka Munasinghe

    Thanks for the response, Berend.

  • Berend Veldkamp

    Sorry, but that's hardly readable for my eyes, could you please copy/paste as text? This will also prevent me from having to copy this character by character

  • Niluka Munasinghe

    ={"paths":[[$CEU.state.startE.value, $CEU.state.startN.value], [$CEU.state.endE.value,  $CEU.state.endN.value]], "spatialReference":{"wkid":7856}, "type":$inputFeature.result.geometryType}

    I pass the values from the different form elements to create the geometry object.

  • Berend Veldkamp

    Maybe there's something wrong with the values. If I fill in some random numbers it works fine

        "paths": [
            [1, 2],
            [3, 4]
        "spatialReference": {
            "wkid": 7856
        "type": "polyline"

    Perhaps you could use the ConvertToJson activity just before GeometryFromJson so see what the actual values are?


  • Niluka Munasinghe

    Thanks once again for your assistance, Berend. I mistakenly passed string values instead of decimals, so I had to use the parse number activities prior to using the geometry from JSON activity.



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