Get Geometry From JSON - TypeError: k.geometry is not iterable
When I ran the "get geometry from JSON" activity, I encountered the following error. How can I resolve this?
VS Web - 5.29.0
VS Workflow - 5.39.0
TypeError: k.geometry is not iterable
at f (78417.4a24383d.chunk.js:1:27597)
at Eo (61297.27deddc6.js:2:202367)
at ka (61297.27deddc6.js:2:213998)
at El (61297.27deddc6.js:2:260089)
at _u (61297.27deddc6.js:2:248374)
at bu (61297.27deddc6.js:2:248302)
at gu (61297.27deddc6.js:2:248165)
at ou (61297.27deddc6.js:2:244972)
at su (61297.27deddc6.js:2:243524)
at S (61297.27deddc6.js:2:285539)
at MessagePort.O (61297.27deddc6.js:2:286071)
Could you add the exact input of the GeometryFromJson activity?
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Thanks for the response, Berend.
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Sorry, but that's hardly readable for my eyes, could you please copy/paste as text? This will also prevent me from having to copy this character by character
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={"paths":[[$CEU.state.startE.value, $CEU.state.startN.value], [$CEU.state.endE.value, $CEU.state.endN.value]], "spatialReference":{"wkid":7856}, "type":$inputFeature.result.geometryType}
I pass the values from the different form elements to create the geometry object.0 -
Maybe there's something wrong with the values. If I fill in some random numbers it works fine
={ "paths": [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 7856 }, "type": "polyline" }
Perhaps you could use the ConvertToJson activity just before GeometryFromJson so see what the actual values are?
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Thanks once again for your assistance, Berend. I mistakenly passed string values instead of decimals, so I had to use the parse number activities prior to using the geometry from JSON activity.
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