[7677] Creating Ethernet Rings directly in the Explorer at the City level
Nicht geplantModule: Ethernet Rings
Description: The idea would be to be able to add "Ethernet Rings" to the explorer under a City 'X', and based on the name of this city, automatically generate the ring's name. The ring's name would consist of the following elements: City - "RING" - Consecutive #
For example, if the ring is created in the city JRZ, the name of the ring would be JRZ-RING-0001.
Commercial impact of the limitation or lack of the feature: Having this feature provides several advantages; we can monitor the rings in external systems based on the documentation we maintain in CM, standardize the names of the rings based on CM, and automate the monitoring of the rings based on the documentation in CM.
Thank you for the post. Given the current teams priorities this request will not be able to addressed in the short term but will relook at this in 2026.
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