ConnectMaster DSE - Dashboard Summary
Nicht geplantFeature Request Summary:
The ability to select a summary of the logs via the Dashboard (i.e. Match, Mismatch, Error etc).
Functional Area / Module:
ConnectMaster DSE
Description/Use Cases:
The dashboard currently displays a summary of the total matches, mismatches, errors and info. However this is for display only, and there is no method to quick see the results without going through each of the different sections (i.e. Network Element, Network Interface, SFP etc).
I would like the ability to click on these summary highlights, to get a report of all actions that match the selected summary. I.e. Selecting 'Error' would display all logs with the error log type.
Business impact of limitation or missing of the feature:
Allows the quick review of particular error types without having to search every log output.
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