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tasks.search - search arguments - sources


3 Kommentare

  • Zack Robison

    I wish the documentation on getting some of these command arguments was a little better, it's challenging to figure out how to take advantage of some of these commands in Workflow (or even in the SDK tbh).

    There must be a better way to do this, but I think that I have a roundabout method for you (haven't tested it though).  ArcGIS Extension FeatureSources are, among other things I'm sure, a property of Features; so you can probably generate one that in WF by using the results.from-graphics operation and pulling the .source property.  That property may not be exposed so you may need to drill into a property's prototype along the way.

    If someone has a better method I'd love to hear it.  By the way, you might want to take a look at the SDK for this level of question, if you're comfortable in an IDE, or at least install the @vertigis/arcgis-extensions NPM module.

  • Alisa Lindley

    Hi Nathan and Zack,

    I was able to make this work for a layer by using a Get Map activity and using the following parameter for the tasks.identify operation: 

    "sources": [$map1.map.extension._layerExtensions._collection.items[0].featureSettings.featureSource]

    This also works and is a bit shorter:

    "sources": [$map1.map.extension._layerExtensions._collection.items[0]]

    For a sublayer, it would probably look more like:

    "sources": [$map1.map.extension._layerExtensions._collection.items[0]._sublayerExtensions._collection.items[0].featureSettings.featureSource]


    "sources": [$map1.map.extension._layerExtensions._collection.items[0]._sublayerExtensions._collection.items[0]]

    You should also be able to use the item ref, for example:

    "sources": ["item://layer-extension/victoria-fire-hydrants"]

    I hope that helps!


  • Chelsea Rozek

    Did anyone get this to work? I'd like to be able to use the item ref for ease, but it's not working for me. I'm trying to use it in a workflow that happens when clicking on the map. I only want identify results to show up for one layer when clicking. My parameters are looking like this:

    ={"geometry": $getWorkflowInputs.inputs.context.geometry, "maps":$getWorkflowInputs.inputs.context.maps, "sources": [????]}


    Tried tackling again 6 months later and now it works if I just remove the maps part, so the result is: 

    ={"geometry": $getWorkflowInputs.inputs.context.geometry, "sources": ["item://layer-extension/7fc5310b-3d38-47b6-8207-001deddd58af"]}


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