Decision re: Latitude's Flex Strategy for 2011
Hi Everyone, Following my ( recent post on this forum requesting feedback, this follow-up post outlines our decision regarding Latitude's Flex strategy for 2011. I want to be clear that all this discussion has revolved around our viewer strategy only. At no time has continued ongoing support for Esri’s Flex API been under review. It is now clear to us the correct decision is to proceed with “option 3”; making available the productization work we’ve completed as an updated version of the Geocortex Sample Flex Viewer . As part of this decision, we’re going to make the source code available to licensees. We may also provide additional investment as future market uptake warrants. There’s about two weeks’ development work remaining to make this decision happen, and next week we’ll be working my decision into our current development schedule. At that point, we’ll have a clearer idea of a delivery date. Thanks to everyone who wrote in and/or chatted with us to share your perspective; it really helped inform this decision. I have to say that it’s an absolute pleasure to work with such a great group of clients. I found everyone to be circumspect, pragmatic, and consistently offering excellent input. Yours truly, Steven Myhill-Jones
President & CEO
Latitude Geographics
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