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Highlighting features


27 Kommentare

  • Permanently deleted user

    Thank you very much for the information, Jason.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Thanks Jason.  Speaking of Smartphones, it seems that the HTML5 viewer works much better on Tablets then on Smartphones...  Is that reality, or just my imagination?

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Mike. Since smartphones typically have less processing power, less memory, and less GPU throughput, it's usually pretty safe to assume that there are going to be some differences in performance. On top of that, smartphones obviously have less screen real-estate to work with. In general, it's pretty safe to say that most apps work better in general on tablets than on smartphones. Particularly in the case of visually oriented applications like GIS viewers.


  • Permanently deleted user

    It is pretty clunky on my smartphone - almost un-usable.  Are there any plans to optimize this for smartphones at some point?  Also, any idea why pinch-to-zoom does not work on these maps with my android phone, when it works on other websites?  Someone with an iPhone was able to pinch-to-zoom on these maps...

  • Permanently deleted user

    The viewer is in fact optimized for smartphones. We've created an entire UI specifically for them, and our JavaScript/HTML framework was built specifically with performance on mobile devices in mind.

    Performance of the actual map control will varies between different devices due to OS version, device hardware, and browser. On newer iOS devices, for example, it is very smooth and responsive. This is due to the browser on the device being able to use hardware acceleration while drawing the map. Many Android devices don't have such robust hardware acceleration at this point, in the stock browser. You may wish to try a different browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox for Android) and see if that helps.

    Pinch to zoom (a multi-touch gesture) indeed works on iOS devices, but often doesn't work on others. I know that on some older devices multi-touch was supported by the hardware, but was not used in the browser due to some patents held by Apple. Newer Android version support multi-touch UIs, but it's up to the ESRI map control to handle it in the given browser.




  • Permanently deleted user


    I've a relatively new Sumsung Galaxy Nexus, with Android version 4.1.1 and I'm using Chrome as the browser.  I'm able to use Pinch to zoom on other web sites, but not this one.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Multi-touch support in the browser on Android is not consistent between OS versions and devices. This is the reason the map control doesn't support it. There is more info here: http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/52019-Zooming-gestures-on-Android, as well as some potential workarounds.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Is the Map Control an ESRI thing, or something of yours?  If it is something of yours, do you foresee supporting Android zooming anytime soon?  Why does it work in other sites?  I'm not a programmer anymore, so did not follow the conversation 100% in the link you provided.  Would I need to modify the Index.html using Visual Studio?

  • Permanently deleted user

    It looks as though support for pinch/zoom is included in ESRI's JSAPI 3.2:

    (http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/javascript/arcgis/help/jshelp_start.htm#jshelp/whats_new.html) http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/javascript/arcgis/help/jshelp_start.htm#jshelp/whats_new.html

  • Permanently deleted user

    Does that mean that the HTML5 viewer is using an older JSAPI than 3.2?  Is there any way we can upgrade, or is it something that LG will have to write into their viewer?

  • Permanently deleted user

    You can open your HTML files (Index.html, Tablet.html, Handheld.html) and change the API version there, if you like. Search for "3.1".

    A word of warning: 3.2 is quite new and we have barely begun testing against it.

  • Permanently deleted user

    I went ahead and changed Handheld.html and pinch to zoom now works.  Thanks.  I'll let you know if I see any quirks with 3.2...

  • Permanently deleted user

    Jason - fatal flaw with 3.2 - cached tiles do not come in properly...  Oh well, I'm back to 3.1./customer/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=00P6000000e888ZEAQ

  • Permanently deleted user

    Do your tiled services look anything like what's on this page: http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/javascript/arcgis/help/jshelp/whats_new.html ? Perhaps they don't show up at all?

    Try including "esri.css", like as mentioned on the What's New page: http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/javascript/arcgis/help/jshelp/whats_new.html

    I dropped the following into the <head> of my document (look for the other <link> elements), and it worked for me:

    <link rel="Stylesheet" href="http://serverapi.arcgisonline.com/jsapi/arcgis/3.2/js/esri/css/esri.css" />

  • Permanently deleted user

    Jason, thanks, that worked for me as well, once I changed "Stylesheet" to "stylesheet" - I'll let you know if anything else turns up.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Yes - perfect. I think we just secured a Geocortex sale on that configuration change. /customer/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=00P6000000e87wBEAQ

  • Permanently deleted user

    Any update on this topic (specifically referring to the ability to change highlight border and fill colours).  we are running 1.2.  can;t seem to find a way to replicate silverlight functionality in html5.

  • Cattyann Campbell

    I'm running a workflow and can't get the HTML 5 viewer to highlight either SL viewer does it just fine with the same workflow


    but not Html 5 will this be fixed? 


  • Permanently deleted user

    I agree with Cattyann.  It would be very nice to have the highlight work with Workflow, as it does with the Silverlight Viewer.



  • Cattyann Campbell

    At least the little red pin is working now so I'm not totally unhappy


    but highlights would be most welcome.
  • Permanently deleted user

    I am using HTML5 2.2 and am unable to highlight any features in my workflow.  In the HTML developer guide (pg 162) it lists all the supported commands for highlighting.  I tried all the ones that didn't say they weren't supported in workflows and I couldn't get it to work.  I even specified the fill and border color and everything.

  • Frank Martin

    I'm running a workflow in GHV 2.4 (Essentials 4.3) using the standard sequence below to highlight features selected using the "Display Capture Geometry" activity. 










    I read that "highlighting" in HTML5 was going to be support in the later versions (> 1.1), however, this is my first time to use this sequence in a workflow.  Does anyone know if this ever got implemented or if there is there something else I need to add to the sequence.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Permanently deleted user
    Hello I'm using the HTML5 2.5.2 GHV (Essentials 4.4.3) when using workflows I can't get a polygon feature to highlight from a select  unless I select it in the results pane. Is there a way to get the polygon to highlight when selected without having to select it in teh results pane? I have configured the pushpin option to "true" to show a  pushpin. I tried  the Create HighlightLayer, Set ActiveHIghlightLayer, HighlightEsriFeatureset activities as well as different expressions in the expression editor for the pushpin, but no luck, any leads would be appreciated.
  • Dan Giersz
    Oscar, any luck? I am trying to do the same thing.
  • Permanently deleted user
    We are now in HTML5 2.6.1 and this highlighting feature still is not working.  Any suggestions?
  • Permanently deleted user
    @Latitude:This functionality is imparative for us to migrate our several of our silverlight viewers to HTML5. Is this going to be an added feature soon?
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Oscar and others, I've cover a work around for highlighting features in following discussion https://support.geocortex.com/EssentialsGSCForum?id=9066000000007YiAAI


    Hope it helps.

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