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Printing Web Tiled Layer


17 Kommentare

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Matt,

    I'm finding the same. Print template works fine from the Silverlight Viewer but drops the web tiled layers in HTML5 Viewer. 

    Have you had any success yet? 



    GE 4.1


    HTML5 Viewer 2.2



  • Permanently deleted user

    Update to that post: Printing works with our own web tiled services, but doesn't work with Esri basemaps.

  • Permanently deleted user

    I've got the same problem. Esri services work fine in Silverlight but not in HTML 5. 

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Matt, Lorne:


    I opened a support ticket on the issue. We found that the Esri's topo map service wouldn't print in HTML5, but the streets service would. For now they offered a work around as follows:


    In your site.xml if you search for "Citations" under the World Topo Map Server you can change visible flag for this layer from false to true. This should allow you to print the World Topo basemap. 

    Hope that helps. 




  • Permanently deleted user



    I'm assuming you're  refering to the following in the site.xml file:

    <MapService ConnectionString="url=http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer" DefaultAllowSymbolization="true" DisplayName="Topography" FailureAction="Warn" Function="Base" ID="4" ImageFormat="PNG32" ImpersonateWithActor="false" IncludeInLayerList="true" InstantSearch="false" IsExpanded="false" Opacity="1" OverrideTemporalSettings="false" PasswordEncrypted="false" ProviderInvariantName="Geocortex.Gis.Services.ArcGisServer.Rest" QueryProviderName="Default" SearchNonTextFields="true" SupportedImageHeight="0" SupportedImageWidth="0" UseHttpAuthentication="false" Visible="true" >



              <Layer CanCopyFeature="true" Identifiable="true" IncludeInLayerList="true" IncludeInLegend="true" IsCatalogLayer="false" Name="Citations" NativeID="0" Queryable="true" Searchable="false" ShowFeatureHyperlinks="ShowAll" ShowLabels="true" ShowMapTips="false" Snappable="false" SnappingEnabled="false" UnconfiguredFieldsCanSymbolizeClassBreaks="true" UnconfiguredFieldsCanSymbolizeUniqueValue="true" UnconfiguredFieldsSearchable="true" UnconfiguredFieldsVisible="true" UnconfiguredRelationshipsVisible="true" />







    As you can see the map service does have the visible parameter set to "true". I tried adding Visible="true" to the layer tag but the map wouldn't load. Still no topo service when printing.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Lorne, 


    The <visible="true"> tag should be within the <layers></layers> tag (i.e. the citations are visible).  It works for GE 4.1 / HTML5 v2.2. Not sure about earlier versions. 




  • Permanently deleted user


    I entered the tag as follows:




              <Layer CanCopyFeature="true" Identifiable="true" IncludeInLayerList="true" IncludeInLegend="true" IsCatalogLayer="false" Name="Citations" NativeID="0" Queryable="true" Searchable="false" ShowFeatureHyperlinks="ShowAll" ShowLabels="true" ShowMapTips="false" Snappable="false" SnappingEnabled="false" UnconfiguredFieldsCanSymbolizeClassBreaks="true" UnconfiguredFieldsCanSymbolizeUniqueValue="true" UnconfiguredFieldsSearchable="true" UnconfiguredFieldsVisible="true" UnconfiguredRelationshipsVisible="true" visible="true"/>




    But the topo layer still isn't showing in the print job.


  • Permanently deleted user

    I am having a slightly different issue, I am unable to print my own tiled map services.  None of my orthos will show up in the print even though they display just fine on the HTML5 viewer.

    Has anyone else come across this issue and found a solution? Is this a bug?

    GE 4.2

    HTML5 2.3.3

    Thank you


  • Permanently deleted user

    I am experiencing same issue as  "jchudiak". Print template is not printing my own cashed imagery service.

    None of the ortho imagery service is showing up on printed map, when same map service works just fine in HTML 5 viewer.

    Same print template works fine with Silverlight viewer. 

    Some of the threads on the forum pointed that this is an old issue with previous versions of HTML 5 viewer and supposed to be resolved in new releases.

    Yet it seems that the problem persists even in the latest release of HTML 5


    GE 4.3

    HTML5 2.4

    Thank you 

  • Permanently deleted user


    I'm having the same issue as amitkokje1 mentions. My cached baselayers work fine on the HTML5 viewer, but when I go into the print/export mode, they don't come out properly. I'm specifically having an issue when I have a cached layer turned off in the Map Site Configuration tab, but then try to turn it on in the actual application. If I have it turned on when I open the application, it seems to work fine when I print. I'm very confused...

    Thanks for the feedback.

  • Kevin Penner

    This thread may be related: (https://support.geocortex.com/essentialsGSCForum?sub-nav=forum&main-nav=essentials&feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_SEARCH_RESULT&id=906600000000A2bAAE) Site has problems with Print and Export with aerial imagery

  • Tyson Schoepflin

    Is there still an issue with Web Tiled layers not exporting to an image?  We have a Google Web Tiles service setup.




    No sub domains.


    This works fine in the viewer.  However, when building a custom report in workflow the Google web tile is not included in the export from our custom web request.  Example:


    Web Request


    Uri: site_name/map/export"


    outputFormat: "PNG"


    data: jsonString (see below)


    if: "WebMap,blankMap"


    dojo.preventCache: randomNumberString


    Here is a snip of the Google web tile layer json within operationalLayers:




        "id" : "__root__basemaps-69",


        "opacity" : 1,


        "visibility" : true




    Our custom request doesn't seem to be the issue.  When using the built in export, to png, all the layers are present except for the Google web tiles.


    I ran a print export at Arcgis Online which does export Google web tiles.  Mimicing their json still does not include Google web tiles.




        "id" : "WebTiled_7313",


        "title" : "WebTiled_7313",


        "opacity" : 1,


        "minScale" : 591657527.591555,


        "maxScale" : 70.5310735,


        "type" : "WebTiledLayer",


        "urlTemplate" : "http://mt0.google.com/vt/x={col}&y={row}&z={level}",


        "credits" : "Google Map"


  • Ryan Cooney


    The problem printing/exporting a Google Web Tile service is separate issue that is related to a missing User-Agent header when Essentials makes requests for tiles. This will be fixed in Essentials 4.7. The tracking number for this is GE-8672.


  • Permanently deleted user
    I have the same issue (GE 4.10, GVH 2.12, ArcGIS Server 10.6.1)




    I couldn’t figure out why Geocortex print tool fails to display the orthophotos below in the output of the print








    what could be the issue here?


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=907f2000000CoUO&feoid=Body&refid=0EMf20000002vGk" _/_img_


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=907f2000000CoUO&feoid=Body&refid=0EMf20000002vGp" _/_img_


  • Permanently deleted user
    I looked at the data and this might be a Datum transformation issue. The map service has transformations enabled and a datum of 1923, which "may" need a transformation file on the AGS Server to send it to web mercator wgs84 or nad83.  It might show up in ArcMap just fine with other data using transformations you have installed but they also need to be on the AGS server to do the same work else you may get AGS just saying I do not know what to do with this data to get it to web mercator
  • Permanently deleted user
    with same conditions, the orthophoto service is properly displayed in the print.


    Not sure if the reason behind this is some settings at the level of the service


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=907f2000000CoWK&feoid=Body&refid=0EMf20000002vMd" _/_img_
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Jamal,


    Look for an SR or tiling scheme incompatibility.  The bottom-most map service in the map services list determines the SR and the tiling scheme of the site.  If you add your map service alone to a test site it appears to work normally.





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