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Enable Instant Search


25 Kommentare

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello Scott,

    Instant Search is included in the installer for 4.3.1, no installation required, however you need to enable it on your map service, and on any layers that you want to search.  If you have not configured Instant Search before, I recommend having a look at the Geocortex Essentials Administrator and Developer guide (Instant Search is in section 23.2 on page 188)

    Please let me know if you're still having trouble :)



  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Danny,

    I've just gone over the admin guide for instant search again.  All it's telling me is to enable Instant search, go to the map service and click the click the instant search tab.  When I do that, all I see is "Instant Search is not Enabled".

    All of the layers in the map service are included in Global Search.  Am I missing something or is the admin guide missing something?

  • Permanently deleted user

    Good morning Scott,

    What kind of map service are you trying to search?   Instant Search works with ArcGIS map services only. This includes ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, and  ArcGIS Online map services.

    Could you please attach a full screen screenshot of what you are seeing?



  • Permanently deleted user

    I am working with a service on our local ArcGIS Server (v10.1).  Here are some screen shots of what I'm seeing.

    Service URL:




    Global Search is enabled.


    Instant Search Tab


  • Permanently deleted user

    Are you wanting to use Instant Search or Layer Search?  To use the new Instant Search feature you need to create the index that runs in the background.  See Page 189 in the Administrator Guide for the description.  Instructions to configure the Instant Search are on page 193.  I am getting ready to do this to our new configuration of Geocortex (4.3.1).  We are currently running 3.15 so I am curious how your indexing goes for you.  It looks like the there are a number of pages that will apply...pages 188-197.


    Good luck, and if you have time it would be great to hear how this goes for you.




  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello Scott,

    Are you accessing Manager through your workstation, or are you running it on the server that Essentials is installed on?



  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Gail,

    Unfortunatly I cannot get to the point of creating the index.  I was able to do this in a previous version on another server, but on my current system with the newest version, I can't do anything. 

  • Permanently deleted user

    I am accessing it via my workstation

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Scott,

    Please try accessing it from the server.  I've never seen this personally, but one of the other support analysts here has seen cases where the Instant search options are not availalbe unless you are accessing it from the Essentials server directly.  



  • Permanently deleted user

    I get the same result.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello Scott,

    Can you please try this link from both your workstation and the server and post the results?




  • Permanently deleted user

    I get the following message when i try and hit http://howbit27.conoco.net:7281/index/getstatus


    This page can’t be displayed

    Make sure the web address http://howbit27.conoco.net:7281 is correct.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello Scott,

    • Hmm, is there a firewall in place on your Essentials server?  If so, can you please confirm that the Redis ports are open (Port 6379 and 6380)
    • Also just to confirm on that last post, you were seeing the same results from both the server and your workstation, correct?
    • One other thing to check, can you please have a look at your task manager under the Details tab (on the server) and confirm that the instant search roles are running?



  • Permanently deleted user


    I'm also having this problem. I just migrated from one server to another and I got everything up and running except the instant search. I enabled instant search in the service but when I try to create the index I get the " The Instant Search feature is not currently enabled." error in the Instant Search tab.

    The instant search services are up and running too and I opened ports 6379 and 6380 in the firewall. But still nothing.

    When I try http://<server>:7281/index/getstatus I get:

    <GetStatusResponse xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Geocortex.Platform.Roles.InstantSearch.IndexService.DTO.GetStatus">


    <Exception xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Geocortex.Platform.Roles.InstantSearch.DTO" i:nil="true"/>


    <ResourceStatus i:nil="true"/>



    But I don't really know what it means. 

    Any suggestions about what could be wrong?


    Jose Luis


  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Danny,

    I was getting the same result from both my workstation and from the server.  I also checked to make sure the instant search role was running and it was.

    I did a check for the ports and it looks like 6379 is open, but I don't see anything for 6380.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello Scott,

    Hmm.  At this point I only have two more suggestions.  One is to try stopping and starting the Geocortex Core service (which will result in some breif downtime while the roles are restarting).  The second, if that does not work is to contact our support department (support@latitudegeo.com) and open a case.  It's sounding like we may need to do a remote support session to get to the bottom of this.



  • Permanently deleted user

    It's alwasy the last thing your try right?

    Restarting the Core service did the trick.  Thanks!

  • Permanently deleted user

    Excellent Scott, I'm glad we got that working!

    Jose-Luis, can you please try restarting Core as well?



  • Permanently deleted user

    No luck restarting the service... I also restarted the whole server, but I still get the same error.

  • Permanently deleted user

    One more follow up questions.  When creating the index, my understanding is that geocortex needs to be able to write to the log files on SDE.  Is it writting to the log file as the account used in the map services or as the account used to read the map service.

    For example, the map service is reading data from SDE with account X

    Geocortex is pulling the map service from ArcServer using account Y


    Which account needs to be able to create the logs?

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello Jose-Luis and Scott,

    Jose-Luis, assuming that you tried the other suggestions in this thread, I would suggest opening a case with Geocortex Support for a screen sharing session.

    Scott, that's a good question.  I'll do a little research and see if I can find the answer.



  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Danny,

    Were you able to find anything on the SDE log file question?

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Scott,

    Sorry for the delay getting back to you.  Instant search should not be writing log files to SDE, it just reads the features through the map service, and writes them out to an index that is read on the Essentials server.  It writes the index out using the builtin System account I believe.  



  • Permanently deleted user

    Ok, thanks.  I may need to open up a ticket then.  Ours doesn't seem to be creating the index.

  • Patrick Kelleher
    I had similar problems after upgrading and jumped on the suggestion to Stop/Start the Core service and it worked.



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