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Water Utility Isolation Trace workflow?


17 Kommentare

  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Daniel


    I have a tool for tracing road centrelines using a recursive spatial select in a workflow until no further centrrelines are found with the name of the first centreline selected.


    How did you want to stop selecting Mains? Once you hit a valve?




  • James Brink


    Can you share your Centerline tracing tool?


    Jimmy Brink
  • Permanently deleted user
    Ralph, seeing this would be helpful as we are also wanting the same thing. 
  • Drew Millen
    We've built a demonstration site for electric/gas utilities that uses a tracing workflow to find meters downstream or upstream from a selected cable. I recorded a video of how the workflow is used: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byyjx6BUSp8GR3B6UzE2Y2QyS0U/view?usp=sharing. You can also access the (http://gedemo.geocortex.com/Html5Viewer/Index.html?configBase=http://gedemo.geocortex.com/Geocortex/Essentials/Prod/REST/sites/Fort_Pierce_Gas_Electric_Utilities/viewers/Gas_HTML/virtualdirectory/Resources/Config/Default) demonstration site  to try it yourself.


    While this workflow was built for electric utilities, it might be a provide good reference for building something similar on a water network.


    In this case, it integrates with a network trace task that is exposed as a geoprocessing service hosted on an ArcGIS Server, connected to the utility network. Therefore, the workflow itself doesn't do the trace; however, it calls Esri's network trace task to perform the trace and it parses the results into a featureset that can be highlighted, and used to intersect other features on the map.


    Let me know if is similar to what you're looking for, and we'll package this up and share it. I hope this helps.


  • Permanently deleted user
    Drew - 


    Thanks much for the info!  I think this is a great start for what we are looking for.  Would you think this requires network analyst extension for server?
  • Andrew Simpson


    We're looking into tracing as well.  I saw the demo site above and would greatly appreciate a copy of the workflow. 




  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Chris and Jimmy


    here is a link to the file: (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24636206/Geocortex/calculateRapidAddrNumber.xaml) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24636206/Geocortex/calculateRapidAddrNumber.xaml




  • Drew Millen
    We've posted a sample that you can reference showing how we built the network trace functionality into that gas/electric demonstration site. @Chris Berryman: No, this doesn't require the network analyst extension.




    This sample includes a GP task that is referenced by the workflow, which performs the actual trace. Here are some high-level instructions for deploying the task (previous experience with publishing GP tasks and building workflows is likely required):
    1. Open the task in model builder. Note that each layer that can be traced is an input on the left hand side, and each layer that you want selected by the trace is an output on the right. You might want some outputs that aren’t network segments (eg: meters) so you’ll likely have more outputs than inputs.
    2. Following the examples, replace the inputs and modify the outputs to act on the layers in your MXD. Increase or decrease their number as needed. The rest of the GP task shouldn’t need changing.
    3. Run the task once in ArcMap, then serve the successful result as a GP task.
    4. Using the workflow, supply flags and barriers to the GP task, and collect the traced features in the outputs. You’ll need to update the GP task URL, and click the ‘refresh’ button on the workflow task to get your new set of outputs to show up.
  • James Brink


    I will try it out.




    Jimmy Brink
  • James Brink


    Thanks for the video and demo site.


    Jimmy Brink
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Jimmy


    Let me know if you have any questions or need any explanation on what it is attempting to do.




    Ralph Price
  • Permanently deleted user
    Drew, For the network trace model the geometric network was consisted of just the line work correct?  
  • Carmen Durham


    I cannot thank you enough for posting the gp task and workflow for the network trace.  We have an ultra simple geometric network of sewer pipes and manholes.  People just wanted a simple way to trace upstream and downstream from a location (without having to use ArcGIS).   I was able to alter the model and the workflow for our situation and have the basic task working in half a day.  Still some finishing touches to do but I am so excited to have something this close to what we need in such a short time.


    thank you, thank you, thank you!




  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Drew,




    After much of struggle with the model\workflow approach to have similar functions that are available in “utility network analyst”, we could make it happen! However, we are encountering instability issue with this approach particularly when edits are made on the data of geometric network. Also, we couldn’t manage to show the flow direction as we do in ArcMap.




    Hi Carmen,




    I would appreciate if you provide some feedback regarding your experience in this regard (model\workflow approach to have tracing work in the geocortex). Is it stable particularly after applying some edits on the data? Have you ever managed to display the flow direction?


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=90760000000Ci6B&feoid=Body&refid=0EM600000001Thq" _/_img_


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=90760000000Ci6B&feoid=Body&refid=0EM600000001Ti0" _/_img_
  • Permanently deleted user


    We are struggling with the issues below when working with tracing tool


    1. Displaying flow direction in the web
    2. Snapping while working on the web
    3. Editing the data in ArcMap without the need to stop the geoprocessing service
    4. having flags at particular location by default
    5. The ability to edit the data from the SQL server databas
    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=90760000000CiQp&feoid=Body&refid=0EM600000001U7P" _/_img_


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=90760000000CiQp&feoid=Body&refid=0EM600000001U7U" _/_img_


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=90760000000CiQp&feoid=Body&refid=0EM600000001U7Z" _/_img_


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=90760000000CiQp&feoid=Body&refid=0EM600000001U7e" _/_img_


  • Carmen Durham


    Well, it is over a year later and I am just now seeing your question.  


    We perform our "real" edits to the geometric network on a "production" database.  Our GP task and GCE is accessing the data on a "distribution" database, therefore the GPtask doesn't access "live" data.  In our case, it isn't necessary for our users to perform traces on "live" data.


    For the updates to the data on "distribution", we run a python script overnight that 1) stops the service, 2) deletes existing Geo network, 3) copies new data, 4) rebuilds Geo Network, 5) restarts the service.


  • Permanently deleted user


    Thank you Carmen for the feedback. it is always helpful.




    It appears that this tool has several issues and works at “ad hoc” mode! It would be much more powerful if full powered extension is deployed on top of Geocortex to take care of all needs of utilities. I’m not sure if the web app of ArcFM, 3-GIS or SSP Innovations can support this sort of things




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