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data connections on Map Tip


22 Kommentare

  • John Nerge
    You can include information from a one to one data link in your map tip. The syntax to call a data link field is {DataLinkID.FieldName}.


    You cannot include information from a one to many data link in your map tip. That will only show up in the feature details.
  • Permanently deleted user


    Thank you for your insihgt and yes, my link i am trying ot put in is one to many, so that won't work. What about creating a hyperlink to said data connection. How would that be accomplished?
  • John Nerge
    You can put a link in your map tip to open the feature details window, which is where people can view one to many data link results. But it pretty much just does the same thing as the default view additional details map tip action.


    <a href="command:ShowFeatureDetails?{$Feature}">Your link text</a>


    One thing I've done in one of my viewers is to include a one to one data link that simply returns a count of how many associated records there are in the one to many data link. Then I put that count in the map tip with a link to tell people to open the details window to see each individual result.
  • Permanently deleted user


    Thank you for your help again. So there is no way to pass through the data link connection much like you can pass through a workflow ID?(example below):


    <a href="command:RunWorkflowWithArguments?workflowId=Parcel_Report&amp;ParcelNum={PARCEL_ID}">


    I tried several times to pass through the data link connection id but with no sucess yet.(see below)


    <a href="command:ShowFeatureDetails?datalinkID=PermitsProjects_History" target="_blank">Show Details</a>


    Thoughthts on how to workaround this? Also, i really like your idea for a count of features that is feeding in records from my one to many data connection.Almost like a pseudo summary table. If you don't mind sharing or at least pointing me to resources on how to set this up, that would be very much appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.
  • Permanently deleted user
    John, disregard the request for the count features option. I was able to get it work for my purposes(see below):


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=90760000000TUGY&feoid=Body&refid=0EM60000000LzmR"_/_img_


    I would still be very curiuos though if this command for specific feature details for a data link can work:


    <a href="command:ShowFeatureDetails?datalinkID=PermitsProjects_History" target="_blank">Show Details</a>


  • John Nerge
    According to the API reference for the GVH, ShowFeatureDetails accepts either a feature or a feature set as a command parameter, not a data link ID.


    Typically, I either hide the attributes or completely turn off the Details section of the feature details for my layers that have one to many data links.
  • Permanently deleted user


    Thank you for your insight on that matter but then that begs this question. We have seen that functionality in another Geocortex site by way of City of Kirkland,WA interactive viewer(http://maps.kirklandwa.gov/Html5Viewer_24/). In this site, they are able to link one of their hyperlink map tips options( "parcel and permit history")_img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=90760000000TUUQ&feoid=Body&refid=0EM60000000M0kq"_/_img_


    Once a user clicks on this hyperlink map tip, it options to a result window from a data connection they built in their site under data connections and data link configurations. We are essentially trying to run the same type of operation and have the back end data links and data connections built but can't seem to get the hyperlink result to open right to the data link query. Thoughts?_img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=90760000000TUUQ&feoid=Body&refid=0EM60000000M0kv" _/_img_
  • John Nerge
    My guess is they're just opening the feature details and have their viewer set up to show the data links first.


    <a href="command:ShowFeatureDetails?{$Feature}">Parcel and Permit History</a>
  • Permanently deleted user


    That makes total sense and that is exactley what they are doing. I hate to pry any more as you have been most useful in making sense of this but where exactly do i setup that setting configuration? Is it in the individual json fiels or in the site.xaml code? Any help is appreciated, as always
  • John Nerge
    There are two things you need to do to mimic the behavior of the Kirkland viewer.


    1) Paste the html from my last post into your feature description or feature long description (whichever you're using for your map tip).


    2) Change the defaultViewmode for your FeatureDetails module in your viewer config from compact to expanded.


      {         "moduleName": "FeatureDetails",         "moduleType": "geocortex.essentialsHtmlViewer.mapping.modules.FeatureDetails.FeatureDetailsModule",         "configuration": {           "defaultViewMode": "expanded",           "viewModes": {             "compact": {               "viewId": "FeatureDetailsCompactView",               "defaultProviderTargetRegion": "FeatureDetailsCompactViewRegion"             },             "expanded": {               "viewId": "FeatureDetailsExpandedView",               "defaultProviderTargetRegion": "FeatureDetailsBottomRegion"             }


  • Permanently deleted user
    Nothing about the configuration about Provider location? I thought that was a part of this component in the past? I swore that is what you said before.
  • John Nerge
    I didn't understand that last one, can you reword it?
  • Permanently deleted user
    I thought the work around i would need for my issue is very similar to the fix you brought up yourself back on June 18 2015,


    Change order of elements in feature details


    "Is there a way to move the feature hyperlinks above the layer fields in the compact view of the feature details? I'd like to do this for two reasons.


    Show them first because my layer has a lot of attribute fields (don't want to make my user scroll all the way to the bottom to get links)


    Use the hide broken links functionality of feature hyperlinks (better than putting a link in the long description)"


    My question is very similar to this. How can i make my data links show up first in my expanded results window.
  • John Nerge
    For anyone else reading this thread, here the link to the post Raoul is talking about:




    I never got that method to work, but I just tested a different method, and it did work. You can update the default tab view by updating the configuration of your FeatureDetailsExpandedViewModel.


      "viewModels": [           {             "id": "FeatureDetailsExpandedViewModel",             "type": "geocortex.essentialsHtmlViewer.mapping.modules.FeatureDetails.FeatureDetailsViewModel",             "configuration": {               "defaultTabViewForLayer": {                 "FeatureDataLinksProviderView": "default"               },



    I could have sworn the was a way to change this in GE Manager once upon a time, but maybe it was with the GVS only. If anyone at LG can confirm, that'd be awesome. Regardless, this config change should do the trick.
  • Permanently deleted user
    So I just copied this in and here is my version of how it looks in my viewer: "viewModels": [           {             "id": "FeatureDetailsExpandedViewModel",             "type": "geocortex.essentialsHtmlViewer.mapping.modules.FeatureDetails.FeatureDetailsViewModel",             "configuration": {               "defaultTabViewForLayer": {                "FeatureDataLinksProviderView": "default"               },


    I am running Geocortext Essentials Manager v 4.4.0 and so far that fix hasn't done the desired effect of moving my data links to the front of the display under results. I thank you for your help and if you see anything wrong in my  javascript file, i can provide my live file. Thanks as always.
  • John Nerge
    I tested and can confirm that these config changes do NOT work at version 4.4. I had tested these changes using 4.5 and 4.6, and they work there (100% sure on 4.6, 90% sure of 4.5).
  • Permanently deleted user


    This is exactly the solution I am looking for. I am able to change my viewer config so it opens the expanded view. However, I want the default tab to be my related records. I did not use a datalink, but instead I have a traditional relate in my map service. Where did you find the documentation that told you to change it to '"FeatureDataLinksProviderView": "default"'? Is there another option I can put in there to specify the related records tab? 
  • John Nerge
    I don't remember how I found it, but usually when I'm looking to change something I just dive into the viewer config file (practice makes perfect). In that case I probably just did a Find for FeatureDetails and looked at the different lines until I found something that looked promising.


    For opening related features, how about trying setting the defaultTabViewForLayer to RelatedFeaturesView? I searched the viewer config for the word "related", and that looks like the most promising option. But I've never used related records in a GE Viewer before, so I don't know if it'll work or not.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Unfortuantely RelatedFeaturesView, RelatedFeaturesProviderView, RelatedFeatureViewModel, RelatedFeaturesTableView, and FeaturesRelatedView did not work. Any further ideas?
  • Permanently deleted user
    I ended up setting up DataLinks and achieving this same thing. Is there any way to force the data links tab to show even if there are no related records? Or is there a way to configure the map tip to show the hyperlink if and only if there are related records?
  • John Nerge
    For showing a hyperlink when there are no related records, you could try something similar to the method using LEFT OUTER JOIN in this post:




    You'd also need to include a line in the WHERE clause for myRelatedTable.Record IS NULL so that the data link would only return stuff for records in your map layer with no related records.
  • Brian Oevermann
    Using GE4.10.2 and GVH2.11.2



    In an earlier set of GE/GVH I've been successfully using John's FeatureDataLinksProviderView solution above to have the expanded view default to my first data link when a user clicks a hyperlink in the Map Tip. I've rebuilt my viewer on a new server at the versions indicated above. Now, when I click on the hyperlink, my expanded view opens on the first data link tab as expected. However, it has the 'loading' animation as if it is waiting to load the table instead of showing the data link table info.



    If I click on the data link tab itself, or any other tab and then back to the first data link tab, the table info immediately shows up. Is anyone else experiencing this behavior? The data is there but it sees like the viewer isn't closing out the load process to display the results.



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