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Layer is on, but not being drawn


24 Kommentare

  • Justin Kraemer
    It does not render in Manager, either, when turned on there. This is all new today.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Justin ,


    Is the layers works directly using the rest API without geocortex .
  • Dan Giersz
    Some of the layers were visible after a delay.Have you checked the ArcGIS Server logs? That service has a lot going on and may be crashing/timing out.   It did work better in ArcGIS Online, though. 
  • Justin Kraemer
    Thank you, Dan. By "some of the layers" please clarify. For me, all layers that should display come up at first, including the Zoning. Is that what you meant? When turning on the County Official Plan, just the labels for it appear on top of the other layers that were already visible. Did you mean that the OP layer appears after a delay? It's been about 5 minutes since I turned it on now and still no OP, so I just want to confirm what you meant.


    Okay now that I've gone away from my computer and come back to it since starting this reply, I noticed the County OP is there when I turn off the Zoning. It was not so, earlier, when turning off Zoning.


    In the AGS logs, I noticed in last 15 minutes 20 SEVERE warnings of 


    Unable to process request. Service public/planning_localOPs_south_wa/MapServer not found


    each with an Error getting service message following it.


    These are the only errors during the period in which I tried accessing the County OP, so I expect it's related, despite that that service is not configured in any active site.xml file. The service was deleted at least a week ago. It did never include the County OP. But the service does appear in MinimalSiteCache.xml five times. Could that file still affect active Geocortex sites that once featured the map service? If so, how can I correct it? I am hopeful once I do the site will load the County OP without delay.


  • Dan Giersz
    I turned on the group "A" and the labels came on immediately, then some other features came on after a delay.  You can use the browser developer tools to check how long the requests to that service take and/or use ArcGIS Server Statistics to look for timeouts and average response time.


    There any errors/cautions for the site in Manager?


    Have you tried restarting or republishing the service?
  • Justin Kraemer
    There are no errors or cautions in Manager. I just now noticed in the map service in the AGOL viewer that none of the County OP sublayers are turned on in the service, yet the Schedule A and B and C are checked on. So I am going to republish the service with the Schedule A and Schedule C sublayers turned on because that's how they are as the site is configured. I realize that does not matter, but a republishing is worth trying regardless, as you suggested.
  • Justin Kraemer
    AGS statistics show 242 timeouts in last 24 hours, but that's on the whole site. Highest max response time was yesterday at 447.93 seconds. The average that day was 0.8 seconds. I am unable to pare down to a service because it will show only Site (Root) data, as the folder service checkboxes are non-responsive. Is that normal or can it be changed? I found nothing helpful in the AGS help in that regard.


    I have republished the map service, but it made no difference to the behaviour. I don't know what else to try.
  • Permanently deleted user
    I'm able to turn on individual layers in AGS Statistics, not just Site (Root)...
  • Permanently deleted user
    Justin, this is probably silly but did you try rebooting your ArcGIS Server box?  I sometimes see map services timing out or have long waits- sometimes you will see either AGS itself or one of the map service processes consuming huge amounts of resources.


    If that doesn't work and you have a large service, you might want to consider splitting into smaller services.  Also, at times I've been able to make huge improvements by optimizing my map services.  ESRI has a good article about it. http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.3/map/working-with-layers/an-overview-of-designing-maps-for-optimal-performa.htm


    Hope that helps.


  • Dan Giersz
    I've never had that issue, although sometimes the service graph can be hidden under the Site graph when they are identical.  I would try to uncheck the Site box after checking the service box.  But if that isn't the case, that is not normal and you may want to contact ESRI support.


    There are also 'invalid layer id' errors when using your site.


    Have you tried this service in a new empty site?
  • Justin Kraemer

    @Dan, what did you have to do to see the invalid layer id errors? In using the site now, I've not seen any after turning layers on and off and a parcel query. I did reassign a bunch of layer ids a few hours ago after they changed when I rearranged the layer order in the MXD before republishing.  The errors went away after I finished that, so perhaps that's when you were looking.


    @David, in server uptime it shows 26 days, so rebooting is a good idea. Regarding splitting the map service, I've done that before, and this service is far simpler than it was.


    I'll try the reboot and will report back on any change




  • Dan Giersz
    The viewer log and the browser developer tools both show the invalid layer ID error.  This was just a few minutes ago.


    I was also just looking at that service in AGO and it wouldn't display any of the capital planning layers, so there is something wrong with that service (or the server).
  • Mike Ketler
    Hi Justin,


    I was trying to test this but it appears your ArcGIS Server is down. 




    Mike Ketler
  • Justin Kraemer
    it's just coming back after the reboot...
  • Mike Ketler



    Looks like the County Official Plan folder is working fine now. 




    Mike Ketler
  • Justin Kraemer
    @Mike, indeed it is! 


    I've marked David's as best answer, but please accept the fact I valued everyone's contributions. I am grateful for the active response I received through this post.


    Thank you all very much,


  • Justin Kraemer
    Sadly the reboot fix didn't last long. The OP is once again failing to draw. As was true before (though I didn't mention this detail) I am able to identify from the layer despite it being invisible. 


    I've not mentioned the software environment. All on the same virtual machine:


    GE 4.6.3


    GVH 2.8.1


    AGS 10.3.1


    SDE database resides on a different server
  • Justin Kraemer
    Dan I can see the invalid layer IDs where you indicated. Closer to the top of the list there I found the error about TermsOfUse.js not being found. I corrected that problem just now. ANd the County OP loaded right away afterward. But after reloading the page, the layer once again did not appear


    Regarding the invalid IDs, how can I determine which ones they are? GE Manager complains of nothing.
  • Justin Kraemer
    I was able to stop the invalid ID warnings on two other sites by removing the LCOGShowScale references from years ago. Same changes made to this site, however the error persists. I think there must be some other customization to undo so will keep looking. 


    Taking Dan's suggestion of trying the layer in a new empty site, I tried that and imported to it the planning map service to include the County OP. The troublesome Schedule A Land Use Designations layer is configured in Manager to be turned off initially for better match to the Planning site. When I turn the layer on, it appears right away. Knowing this, what should I do?
  • Justin Kraemer
    Another of the errors in Developer tools that's been there through the life of this thread is: 


    [warning]: 10:22:12.320: Overview Map Layer WKID/WKT differs from basemap. There may be rendering errors in the overview map. Layer: https://maps.brucecounty.on.ca/arcgis/rest/services/public/overview_wa/MapServer


    I'm puzzled by this because the same overview map exists in the other two sites, and they do not report any errors. This site was created by importing from the others, so it's quite baffling.
  • Justin Kraemer
    as an update to my previous message, by removing the overview, that error goes away, but nothing else improved. So apparently the overview was not at fault.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Why are you using a cache for Overview?  I would just replace with very simple dynamic service...  This service is also not a fused cache - any particular reason for that (since it defeats the whole purpose of caching...)?   Since this is the same spatial reference as other cached services, I would assume this is what is probably causing that error.
  • Justin Kraemer
    Mike, where are you seeing that the overview is cached? In Manager it looks like this and always has:


    Dynamic Overview


    regardless, that error has stopped appearing. Thanks though
  • Permanently deleted user
    Sorry, was too quick - REST endpoint said "Supports Dynamic Layers: False" and I read that not as Dynamic Workspaces, but rather Dynamic Service.

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