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May I query for stored credential image layer from arcgis online


25 Kommentare

  • Stefan Schweigert

    Hi Zhujing,


    For secured layers, pass the Url object from the Get Layer activity into the Query activity. This object should contain your credentials.


    Thanks, Stefan

  • Permanently deleted user
    Stefan, If I use the Get Layer activity, how could I save the credentials for the map service in the Layer Id object? And after that how could I pass the Url object in Query Layer from Get Layer? Thanks
  • Stefan Schweigert

    Hi Zhujing,


    You should be able to gather the generated token from the =$layer1.layer.url, then use a Parse URL activity, and lastly access the token with $parseurl1.query["token"].


    Thanks, Stefan


  • Permanently deleted user
    Stefan, I put the activity order as Parse URL, get Layer and Query Layer, see my screen shot. I also try to input the =$layer1.layer.url to the query1.Url but got error says that is invalid. And last which activity and input should put $parseurl1.query["token"]? Thanks [cid:image002.png@01D30B87.C16664C0]
  • Stefan Schweigert

    Hi Zhujing,


    I've attached a basic workflow which shows how you can configure this process using a dummy service, but it shows the logical flow. Sorry for the confusion.

  • Permanently deleted user
    Stefan, What is the Layer Id in Get Layer? Is that the order of the map service in the web map? Here is my work flow, I still got error when I do the query. Please advise. Thanks
  • Stefan Schweigert

    It doesn't appear as though your workflow was uploaded. The attachment clip icon is in the bottom left corner, just below this dialog box.


    When used within Essentials, the Layer Id is the Id of the map service within your site according to the REST API Map page, with the Sublayer Id being the layer's ID within that map service, though that is not needed in this case. I am not sure how to find the ID of a web map hosted in AGOL, that might be in their documentation. I was able to Google and find this information for Portal: <portalurl>/sharing/rest/content/items/<webmapid>/data?f=json

    The JSON should have the ID information.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Here is the my work flow in Jason.

  • Permanently deleted user

    In query layer for the URL I put  as following , but it dose not work neither. Also even it would work my token is going to expire in one hour, how could I solve this issue?


    ="my ArcGIS server's site/arcgis/rest/services/Rockland/EM_Parcel/MapServer/0?token=" + $parseurl1.query["6omRWcYSSIwuqArN2-Qq2PYqGBPTPmhtAfaB1CQ_-NS4hyuvnophGgoZa7xUhkXBeFqmPS55NLRXsy0ZnNi9pg.."]

  • Stefan Schweigert

    The logic in your workflow appears to be correct apart from the Query Layer configuration:

    ="PRINT_KEY LIKE " + $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value$displayform1.state.TextBox1.value

    Which should be: ="PRINT_KEY LIKE " + $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value


    Also, in the Alert further down in the workflow, you don't need to include .toString() in =$query1.features.length.toString()

  • Stefan Schweigert

    $parseurl1.query["6omRWcYSSIwuqArN2-Qq2PYqGBPTPmhtAfaB1CQ_-NS4hyuvnophGgoZa7xUhkXBeFqmPS55NLRXsy0ZnNi9pg.."] should be $parseurl1.query["token"], this gathers the token parameter from the URL using the token key.

  • Permanently deleted user

    I changed the Url and Where in Query Layer as you can see in my attached json file.

    But I still got the Problem running workflow error message.

  • Stefan Schweigert

    Just to confirm, you are entering a valid PRINT_KEY value in the TextBox1 within the Display Form?


    The error is likely originating now from the Select Features (Show Results) activity, since you'll need to set the appropriate Map Service and Layer settings for your map. You'll need to do some troubleshooting as to where in the workflow is failing now if this is not the case.

  • Permanently deleted user
    The PRINT_KEY value is valid. I am think about the token, how the program got the token, I did not input the user name and password for the map service then how the program get the token? Also I did not see the program use the proxy page neither. Thanks
  • Amanda Frech

    Hi Zhyjing,


    Sorry if this has been asked already, but I thought check - what type of field is PRINT_KEY? If it's a string (esriFieldTypeString), we could try changing the Where to:

    "PRINT_KEY LIKE '" + $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value + "'"


    If it's a number (esriFieldTypeInteger, esriFieldTypeDouble, etc) we could try

    "PRINT_KEY = " + $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value

  • Permanently deleted user

    The field is ?esriFieldTypeString, so I change the where to "PRINT_KEY LIKE '" + $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value + "'"


    But still got error when I run the workflow



  • Permanently deleted user

    ?I used the GM5-search Query sample workflow and changed to my map service, I got the same error as I did my workflow.

  • Stefan Schweigert

    Hi Zhujing,


    Just to confirm, the where input is set to ="PRINT_KEY LIKE '" + $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value + "'" , including the '='?


    Would you be able to attach your latest workflow in order for us to review?


    Thanks, Stefan

  • Permanently deleted user

    Here is the Jason file for my workflow?

  • Stefan Schweigert

    It looks as though there is a syntax error with the Where clause in the Query Layer, It should be: ="PRINT_KEY LIKE '" + $displayform1.state.TextBox1.value + "'"

  • Stefan Schweigert

    Can you try to narrow down which activity is throwing the error? You can use Alert or Log activities between each of the existing activities to indicate which ones completed successfully.

  • Permanently deleted user
    I put the alert after Get Layer and before the Parse URL, and I got the alert.
  • Stefan Schweigert

    Okay, what is happening is that our current implementation of Get Layer only supports GVH. Obtaining the layer information from WAB is a complicated process. I've created a feature improvement for this.

  • Permanently deleted user
    Ok thanks.
  • Stefan Schweigert

    Hello Zhujing,


    This feature has been completed and will be available with the next release of GW5. Keep an eye out in the 'What's New' section and the Release Notes for the 'Support for Get Layer in WAB' feature.


    Thanks, Stefan


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